Professor emeritus Phillip Zimbardo, of Stanford University, has claimed in his book Man (Dis) connected: How Technology has Sabotaged what it Means to be Male (Rider, 2015), that the excessive use of porn (typically via the internet) and video games may be “digitally rewiring” young men’s brains, producing a “masculinity crisis.”
IT has produced a new form of addiction. The reward centres of the brain are changed, so that real world activities are less satisfying than on-line activities.
Porn-induced erectile dysfunction (PIED), is becoming more common among young men who have overdosed on on-line porn. Fantasy replaces reality.
Yet another problem. Is there no rest? Why can’t these lads turn off their blasted computers and get outside in the spring sunshine and kick a football or something? Can’t you just be men for a change! Scrape up what testosterone you have left, and try, just try, to be men, if only for five minutes.