By Super User on Thursday, 24 August 2017
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Our Corrupt Politicians By James Reed

     Heard the one about the oh-so-pure politicians, who advocate anti-racist, non-discriminatory everything – except for one thing – their own perks:

     The Libtards are hoping to save $ 3.6 billion, plus get lots of extra yummy tax, as those who are unlucky enough to have a job will now work until they die. Hey, maybe if we abolished the government, philosophical anarchism-style, we could save even more! Look, some people think that this can be done:  which is the ultimate “small is possible” book.

     To rub salt into the raw, bleeding  wound: politicians can access their extravagant pensions at age 60! What’s that noise? Is it the sound of peasants uprising with pitchforks raised high in the night sky? Torches and flaming sticks? No, sorry, wrong age and country. But, still, the Libs have pursued their death wish and will now certainly lose the next election, which was in the script anyway; hit ‘em with the left, then hit ‘em with the right.  Rumour has it, that someone has discovered the last surviving bit of freedom in Australia, and Labor’s sacred pc mission, is to squash it.

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