By Super User on Thursday, 09 November 2017
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Open Season on Christians By John Steele

     Another tragic shooting in the US, and of course, the usual, “ban all guns’ scream from libtards:

     The libtards are always ready to go, and can instantly fire off the same old tired rhetoric after a shooting. However, they never follow through the logic of their “blame the weapon” argument, and never argue for immigration restriction after terrorist truck attacks, or demand tighter regulations on truck hire. That would be “racist” in their theology.

     As usual Mike Adams, based in Texas, has the right take on this event, seeing it as a continuation of the war on Christians and Trump supporters:

“The left-wing media has been preaching hatred and division that targets Christians for at least the last five years. Christian are routinely demonized in the left-wing media, and intolerance and hatred have been increasingly pushed by the radical Left in America, creating more strife and division across our culture. …
That same political Left that has been calling for the killing of conservative speakers or political leaders is now calling for nationwide gun control, mere minutes after news broke of the Sutherland Springs shooting. Many people on social media are strongly speaking out against the Left’s politicization of this event.
Many churches are designated “gun-free zones,” where pastors do not allow congregation members to bring guns into the service for self-defense purposes. We do not yet know whether this church in particular was a gun-free zone. However, many shootings over the last few years have intentionally targeted gun-free zones, knowing their victims would be unable to shoot back.”

     It is pretty obvious that in this context, in a society which is already splitting open with chaos, mass shootings will occur. Talk of gun banning is mere superficial “feel goodism” since there are so many guns in America, it simply could not be done without full-scale occupation.
     Never mind that a local armed resident engaged the gunman, probably preventing further deaths.

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