By Joseph on Thursday, 23 September 2021
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

On Dying with Blood Clots to the Brain By Mrs Vera West

Here is another tragic story of a mother of two children, who died from blood clots to the brain after taking the vax. Sure, it is rare, just tell that to the kids, who no longer have a mum. Oh, but she did get the magic vax, so will go to vax heaven!

“A healthy mother-of-two died from blood clots on her brain caused by the AstraZeneca vaccine, a coroner has ruled. 

Alpa Tailor, 35, fell ill just over a week after getting her first dose of the coronavirus jab in March. 

St Pancras Coroner's Court heard that Ms Tailor was complaining of a headache before she suffered stroke-like symptoms including including slurred speech and a facial droop.

According to The Mirror, she was rushed to hospital on April 8 and quickly diagnosed with the then new condition known as vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (VITT).   

It affects around one in 50,000 people under the age of 50 who have had the first dose of the AstraZeneca jab.

Ms Tailor had surgery to relieve pressure on her brain and whilst doctors initially thought she had responded well to treatment, on April 22, medics discovered she was suffering from massive brain hemorrhaging. 

Tragically, the devoted mother - who had the jab to 'protect her family' - then died and a post-mortem examination found she had suffered multiple brain clots.   

Thrombocytopenia is a condition where the patient has a low count of cells that help the blood clot, known as platelets. 

Thrombosis occurs when blood clots block veins or arteries, and is a major cause of strokes and heart attacks. 

Speaking after the inquest, Ms Tailor's husband Anish told The Mirror: 'The death of our beloved Alpa has left a huge void in our hearts and our lives, we will all truly miss her unconditional love. 

Alpa was a wonderful wife, loving mother, amazing daughter, sister and friend. Life has changed for us in an unimaginable way.'

Ms Tailor was treated at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in Queen Square in Central London. The institution is part of University College London Hospitals.   

Jonathan Hyam, the neurosurgeon who performed Ms Tailor's surgery, said that whilst he was 'quite optimistic' for the mother's prognosis around a week after she underwent surgery, he added that he was 'really surprised' when he found out that she had died.'

Professor Marie Scully, a consultant haematologist at UCLH, said that the blood clot condition associated with the AstraZeneca jab was then completely unknown.   

Senior coroner Mary Hassell said she had 'no hesitation' in saying that the mother died because of the vaccination she received.”

Another day; millions of more vaxes.

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