By Joseph on Tuesday, 30 November 2021
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

No Vote On Woke! By Chris Knight (Florida)

As pointed out by this material from Real Clear, the woke revolution, much more radical than the cultural revolution of the 1960s, never was voted upon. Of course not, the elites never go on democratic principles, just like in the West, there was no vote on multiculturalism, multiracialism and mass white replacement migration. At the end of the day, the elites know that the good men will do nothing, and we are not referring to those people now taking a stand, but the great majority who do not, and just let it happen while they are in their comfort zone, of “my job,” my “life style.” At least with Covid, some people have demonstrated supreme courage and have thrown in their jobs rather than getting the spike protein jab. Hats off to them!


“You don’t get to vote on the revolution. That’s kind of the point. From the happy example of Colonial America to the terrors that mutilated and murdered innocents in France, Russia, and China, revolutionaries work outside the established system to impose a new order.

So it is with today’s woke revolution. The potent cultural forces that have mainstreamed radical concepts such as “white privilege,” “microaggressions,” and “gender fluidity” are beyond the reach of American democracy.

No one voted for any of it; it cannot be stopped at the ballot box. Electing anti-woke politicians in 2022 and 2024 will not turn the tide.

The embrace of woke ideology by many prestigious news outlets – as symbolized by the New York Times’ 1619 Project, which recasts American society through the cramped lens of racism and oppression – is not subject to popular approval. Neither is the American Medical Association’s move to view health disparities between blacks and other Americans as the result of “systemic racism” (rather than biology, personal behavior, or cultural influences).

We don’t get to vote on the decision by the National Institutes of Health, the nation’s largest funder of biomedical research, to commit $90 million in funding along with “every tool at our disposal to remediate the chronic problem of structural racism.” The same goes for the diktat in corporate America to mandate race and gender into their hiring decisions, or the woke-saturated culture that predominates at most American colleges and universities, where faculty applicants are asked to sign loyalty oaths to diversity and equity.

Parental opposition to the influence of critical race theory in public schools shows that pushback is possible. School board meetings are one of the few public venues where ordinary Americans can voice their discontent to this ideology, which casts white kindergarteners as oppressors and non-white tots as victims. But these critics are labeled “domestic terrorists” for their efforts — and it’s still not clear what, if any, impact the parents will have on what and how children are taught.”

The forces of destruction that brought down the Roman Empire are all present in the West, many times stronger and deadlier. So, the collapse will not be a drawn-out affair, but death will come quickly. Hopefully, there can be a rebirth from the ruins, and next time, the remnant might just get things right.

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