By John Wayne on Friday, 05 July 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Night of the Long Knives Coming for Biden? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There is debate among, well, everyone in the US who think about such things, whether Joe Biden was set up by Democrats who wanted him out, or whether they believed their own myths that he was a sharp genius. It seems whatever the truth of this, that now after the news media calling for Biden to not run in the presidential election, and New Class elites freaking out at how far Trump surged in the polls, the Democrats in Congress are set to call for Biden to fall out of the race, much like he falls over things now. There are apparently 25 of them advocating this, but that is still a long way from being a game changer. But numbers may grow.

The issue is that a senile president is just a machine for signing whatever pieces of paper are put before him. I recall a video back in 2021, when Biden was signing a pile of papers, with grinning Democrats looking over their glasses, and he said that he did not know what it was he was signing. Did anyone stop and explain it to him? Of course not. Add to this Jill Biden, his wife, and someone who loves power, who is not going to let her boy just surrender like that. The Biden crime family have closed ranks at the White House, and circled wagons, just like the pioneers did under Indian attack. Only difference materially is that cocaine is probably being consumed in the White House.

"President Biden may soon face increased pressure from Democrats in Congress to drop out of the 2024 race, according to a report.

At least 25 House Democrats are preparing to call for the 81-year-president to end his re-election bid in the wake of his disastrous debate against former President Donald Trump, Reuters reported Tuesday, citing a House Democratic aide.

Centrist House Democrats in competitive districts – the lawmakers most at risk of losing their seats in November – were so alarmed by Biden's infirmed appearance in last week's showdown with the 78-year-old presumptive Republican nominee that they are considering writing a letter to Biden, according to the outlet.

What to know about the fallout from President Biden's debate performance:

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