By John Wayne on Wednesday, 25 September 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

More on the Great White Replacement, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Biden-Harris regime has allowed the resettlement of 500,000 Haitians into the US, including around 211,000 flown into the country on commercial air flights. Thus, around five percent of the Haitian population are now present in the US, and more come through the open southern border by the day. U.S. Customs and Border Protection confirmed that there have been an estimated 475,004 encounters with Haitian nationals at the border since 2020.

While the "they're eating our cats" exclamation by Trump produced the expected controversy, there are more serious things that happened such as crimes, including rape. As well, as detailed by Natural, below, "illegal Haitian migrants are being outfitted with rental accommodations formerly inhabited by citizen residents who are being kicked to the streets to make way for their Haitian replacements."

This is just the sort of thing that Leftist regimes do. The US is not a special here, and similar things occur in Europe. In Australia it is a little different as it is not so much the government kicking out locals from rental premises, but landlords to make way for richer foreigners who are to replace the Aussies.

"At a recent city council meeting in Springfield, Ohio, a local homeless advocate told a story about how illegal Haitian migrants are being outfitted with rental accommodations formerly inhabited by citizen residents who are being kicked to the streets to make way for their Haitian replacements.

According to the man – watch him speak below – he personally knows of someone who was just kicked out of a Springfield rental house where the person had been living for seven years. The landlord claimed that renovations needed to be done, only to quickly welcome in a Haitian migrant as a tenant replacement.

Why would local landlords in Springfield do this? According to the homeless advocate in the video below, the Biden regime is subsidizing these rentals for illegal Haitians using U.S. tax dollars.

"I don't know of a single homeless Haitian in this town because they all got vouchers! But I can show you a whole bunch of people that have been displaced," the man explained, noting that the landlord in the above story now charges triple the rental rate, which is paid for by the Biden regime using U.S. tax dollars.

Will Trump make a campaign stop in Springfield to address the crisis?

If the situation in Springfield with the Haitian migrants is really as serious as it sounds, then it would make sense for Donald Trump to make a campaign stop there to address it.

"Trump should go to Ohio, speak to these people and draw attention to what's going on there," someone wrote on X, offering advice to the Trump campaign.

Another X user wrote that what is happening in Springfield is now happening all across the country as the illegal alien migrant invasion reaches a fever pitch.

"They are getting housing, they are getting money, and they are getting jobs," this person said. "Illegals are getting everything while we are left holding the bag."

According to another X account, the U.S. government under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is spending $800 a Haitian head to provide rental accommodations – all with U.S. taxpayer dollars, of course.

"You put two families in a house and, boom, that's $8,000 a month in rent," this person said. "This is reality."

Keep in mind that it has now been two years since 50 illegal asylum seekers arrived in the wealthy enclave of Martha's Vineyard, much to the chagrin of cash-rich locals who expressed anger over the illegals being placed in their own backyards rather than in poorer areas.

Eventually, all that U.S. taxpayer cash could dry up, leaving the slumlords accommodating Haitian migrants with no further income, especially once all U.S. citizens are removed from the equation.

"Triple rent won't matter when the house is destroyed when you have to kick them out because the government vouchers dry up," is how one person put it on X about the issue. "Good luck evicting them down the road too."

"Reports indicate that the administration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have facilitated the resettlement of nearly half a million Haitians into the United States, including around 211,000 flown into the country on commercial flights. This constitutes around five percent of the Haitian population now living in America.

Conservative legal advocacy organization America First Legal warned that this Haitian resettlement program is still ongoing, and as it continues, concerns over the social and economic implications of such a significant population influx rise.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection confirmed that the country has experienced a massive influx of Haitian migrants, noting that there have been an estimated 475,004 encounters with Haitian nationals at the border since 2020. Many of these individuals have arrived through a combination of border crossings and the Biden administration's Humanitarian Parole Program for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans.

Since January 2023, the parole program has granted parole to over 205,000 Haitian nationals, allowing them to fly directly to the U.S. and seek work permits. Upon arrival, many are also granted access to various public services, helping ease their transition into the country. This program aims to streamline migration, offering a legal pathway for thousands of Haitians fleeing the ongoing instability in their homeland.

The migration surge has also resulted in unfortunate incidents, with allegations emerging of crimes perpetrated by some individuals. These incidents include accusations of a Haitian national raping a pregnant woman and another being involved in the murder of an 11-year-old boy on his way to school.

Additionally, another Haitian national has been accused of raping a 15-year-old, while another stands accused of molesting a minor, among other reported crimes. These reports have raised questions about the screening processes in place and the overall management of the growing migrant population.

Biden administration grants asylum to over 300K Haitian migrants

Recently, the Biden administration announced that it was granting temporary protected status (TPS) to approximately 309,000 Haitian migrants who had arrived in the U.S. legally or illegally on or before June 3, claiming that the order that protects them from deportation is necessary to save the lives of Haitians running from organized gang violence.

"We are providing this humanitarian relief to Haitians already present in the United States given the conditions that existed in their home country," said Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. "In doing so, we are realizing the core objective of the TPS law and our obligation to fulfill it."

This comes after several months of intense lobbying by human rights organizations who had been calling on the Biden administration to end the deportation of Haitian migrants over claims that they could end up getting hurt or killed by the gang violence that has broken out in their country.

The shielding of 309,000 Haitians in the U.S. from deportation brings up the total number of Haitians with protected status to roughly 500,000." 

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