By John Wayne on Tuesday, 24 September 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

More on the “Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill”: George Christensen and the Team at CitizenGO

What if they silenced YOU just for speaking the truth? This is not a drill. Right now, the Australian government is gearing up to do just that with their so-called "Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill".

The government wants complete control over what you and I can say, share, or even think online. They've dressed it up as protecting us from "misinformation," but we know better. This isn't about protection—this is about censorship. Your voice, my voice, anyone who dares to challenge the official line will be silenced.

Yesterday, the Senate referred this Bill to the Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications for a public inquiry. But let's be honest: the first thing they should review is the name of this Bill and call it what it really is—the "Online Censorship" Bill. That's exactly what it is, and if we don't act right now, free speech in Australia is finished.

Think about it. The government will have its claws in everything you post, read, or share online. Say something they don't like? It's gone. Post something that challenges their narrative? Gone. No debate. No discussion. Just erased.

This is why we need YOU to act NOW. We're mobilising thousands upon thousands of CitizenGO members to demand that the Senate Committee protect our free speech. We need every single voice to rise up and tell the Senate to reject this dangerous Bill.

Sign the petition submission on this page now and tell this Senate Committee to stand up for your right to speak freely and reject the "Online Censorship" Bill.

Let's break it down. Why does this matter to you and me?

This Bill gives massive, unchecked power to the government to control what we say online. Do you really want bureaucrats deciding what's true and what isn't? That's what's coming.

If this Bill passes, Big Tech will be forced to toe the line, censoring anything the government deems "misinformation." Who gets to decide what's misinformation? They do. Unelected officials and bureaucrats will be controlling the flow of information.

This Bill is about power—the power to silence anyone who challenges the official line. And it's not just about politics. It's about YOU. It's about your right to speak up, to question, to criticise. Once they can control speech online, they control everything.

Think this won't affect you? Think again. If you're posting something that challenges the government's policies, criticising election outcomes, or even questioning health advice, your posts could be scrubbed from the internet without warning. This Bill is a direct assault on free speech, and we cannot let it pass.

This is why we're asking YOU to sign the petition submission to the Senate Committee NOW. Tell them to reject this Orwellian nightmare before it's too late.

What happens if we lose this battle?

If this Bill becomes law, it will be the end of free speech in Australia. Our ability to question the government will be silenced. Public debate will wither. Australians will be too scared to speak up, too afraid to share their thoughts. We will live in fear of saying the wrong thing, posting the wrong opinion, or simply questioning authority. We'll be trapped in a one-sided narrative controlled by the government.

But what if we win? Victory will be a game-changer. It will show that the people still have power. It will prove that we can't be silenced. We will send a loud and clear message to the government: You can't control us. Free speech will be defended, and this dangerous Bill will be stopped in its tracks.

But that only happens if YOU act. Without your voice, we lose this fight. We need every single person who believes in free speech to sign this petition now.

The government is moving fast. They want this Bill passed before you even realise what's happening. The time to act is right now. Sign the petition submission and join thousands of other Australians demanding the Senate reject this Bill. Together, we can save free speech and stop the "Online Censorship" Bill before it destroys our democracy.

Sign the petition submission NOW and tell the Senate to protect free speech in Australia by recommending the Senate reject this "Online Censorship" Bill.

Thanks for all you do for freedom,

George Christensen and the team at CitizenGO

P.S. After you sign, please share this petition with your family, friends, and everyone you know. We need all hands on deck to stop this Bill and protect our freedom to speak. Click here to sign and share right now!

More information:

Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024 [Provisions] (Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications)

Misinformation Bill Back in Parliament: Critics Concerned Definition of 'Harm' Widened (The Epoch Times)

Australia's Latest Censorship Bill Threatens Big Fines Over Online "Misinformation" (Reclaim the Net)

Australia pushes 'Misinformation' fines for social media, gives mainstream media a pass (The Blaze)

They want to control what you say! (Nation First)

End of CitizenGO message.


President Xi Jinping is reported as saying 'ideas are more dangerous than guns; we wouldn't let 'them' have guns so why should we let 'them' have ideas?'
This is the purpose behind the Government Legislation, see here - Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024 [Provisions] (Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications)

You don't have to make a detailed submission but please tell the Senate Inquiry (and your local Representatives) YOU don't like their new laws!

See here for …
Rowan Atkinson on 'Free Speech'.

Please do what you can to help defeat this awful Legislation … it is YOUR democratic right. 

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