By John Wayne on Saturday, 23 March 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Male Infertility To Threaten Human Survival: Dr Mercola By Mrs. Vera West

Dr Mercola has updated a paper that appeared a few years back on the pressing problem of the decline of the human male sperm count. Between 1973 and 2013, sperm counts declined by an incredible 50 percent, and continue to fall. Men in America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, had the lowest counts, at levels where it would be difficult to fertilise an egg. In fact Dr Mercola's statistics are a bit behind the times; a more recent review of global trends in human sperm count, showed that between 1973 and 2018, sperm counts fell on average by 1.2 percent, and since 2000, have fallen at more than 2.6 percent, with no indication of a halt:

The causes are many, but hormone disrupting chemicals are the chief one, and includes a whole range of chemicals of modern society, from plastics, to agricultural herbicides. The US Endocrine (Hormone) Society noted in 2009:

"The evidence for adverse reproductive outcomes (infertility, cancers, malformations) from exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals is strong, and there is mounting evidence for effects on other endocrine systems, including thyroid, neuroendocrine, obesity and metabolism, and insulin and glucose homeostasis …

Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals may be transmitted to further generations through germline epigenetic modifications or from continued exposure of offspring to the environmental insult."

However, it is likely that the matter is much worse as Dr Mercola argues, as microwave radiation produces dangerous free radicals that harm many parts of the body, but the testicles are particularly vulnerable being on the outside of the male body. The radiation can cause genetic mutations in the DNA as well with high-level exposures. Dr Mercola suggests not having a mobile phone in one's pocket or putting a laptop using WIFI on one's lap if a male. This is sensible, but is only a small part of the problem, as with the 5G mobile phone towers we are being bathed in such radiation all day. This is a major issue and some see the possibility of an existential threat to human existence itself occurring if present trends are not reversed:

Corruption and Lies Threaten Human Health and Survival

The United States permits more than 84,000 chemicals to be used in household products, cosmetics, food and food packaging, and a majority of these have never been tested for safety. According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office, 85% of new chemical applications include no testing whatsoever.

What's worse, the chemical industry has a long history of lying about the safety of their wares, and its powerful lobby has allowed the industry to saturate the world in extremely dangerous chemicals with little or no oversight.

As revealed by Grant David Gillham,16 a political consultant who ran Citizens for Fire Safety, the American Chemistry Council17 (the chemical industry's trade group) flat out lied when it said it had no involvement with Citizens for Fire Safety. The group was in fact created with the specific aim of defending the use of flame retardants in furniture — despite the fact that they don't work and are profoundly toxic — to protect the industry's interests.

Everything an expectant mother takes into her body can potentially get passed along to her developing child, and scientific evidence strongly suggests exposure to chemicals is contributing to cancer, reproductive abnormalities, early puberty18,19,20 and a host of other endocrine, neurological and metabolic problems.

In a 2005 study,21 the Environmental Working Group (EWG) found an average of 200 industrial chemicals and pollutants in the umbilical cord blood of infants born in the U.S. Tests detected a total of 287 chemicals from pesticides, consumer products, food packaging and environmental waste, including BPA, flame retardants, PCBs and even DDT. As noted in a 2009 scientific statement from the Endocrine Society:22

"The evidence for adverse reproductive outcomes (infertility, cancers, malformations) from exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals is strong, and there is mounting evidence for effects on other endocrine systems, including thyroid, neuroendocrine, obesity and metabolism, and insulin and glucose homeostasis …

Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals may be transmitted to further generations through germline epigenetic modifications or from continued exposure of offspring to the environmental insult."

Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals — The Dirty Dozen

As mentioned, endocrine-disrupting chemicals specifically alter the normal function of your hormones.23 A hormone's job is to interact with the cells in your body, sending signals that instruct them to perform certain tasks, and endocrine-disrupting chemicals interfere with this communication process. In 2013, the EWG24 identified 12 of the most troublesome hormone wreckers.

Surprisingly, along with some very well-known endocrine disruptors,25,26 the review also identified several you might not normally associate with hormone disruption, such as lead, mercury and arsenic. The EWG's "dirty dozen" list for the 12 worst endocrine disruptors are outlined in the following table.

Bisphenol-A (BPA)





Fire retardants27




Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs)

Organophosphate pesticides28

Glycol ethers

Other Root Causes of Infertility

While endocrine-disrupting chemicals are high on the list of contributing factors, they're not the only ones. Other variables that can affect a man's reproductive ability include:

Electromagnetic field (EMF) exposures

Nutritional deficiencies and/or food intolerances


Immune deficiencies

Obesity and/or inactivity

These subtle but critical factors synergistically interact to impact the quality of a woman's eggs and a man's sperm, affecting a couple's ability to conceive and the health of the embryo. For example, while a gluten intolerance alone cannot cause infertility, the resulting gut inflammation can affect your nutrient absorption and lead to deficiencies in nutrients you need for optimal sperm, egg and hormone production and a healthy pregnancy.

In terms of diet, certain nutrients are also more important than others when it comes to fertility. Animal-based omega-3 fats and vitamin D are two vital components that can have a significant impact. Both are also crucial during pregnancy to protect the health of both mother and child.

Optimizing your vitamin D could be one of the most important things a woman could possibly do in pregnancy, as research clearly shows that achieving a vitamin D serum level of at least 40 ng/mL (100 nmol/L) reduces the risk of premature birth by 60%. It also helps protect against a number of pregnancy complications, as well as autism spectrum disorder and Type 1 diabetes in the child.

Microwave Exposure Is Decimating Male Reproductive Health

I personally believe this may be the most significant factor for the observed decrease in male sperm count. You may not recall this, but it was well known in World War II that radar operators could easily create sterility by exposing the groin to radar waves. Radar is microwave radiation and was the precursor to cellphones that use similar frequencies.

In May 2011, the cancer research arm of the WHO, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, classified radiofrequency EMF — such as the radiation from cellphones — a class 2B carcinogen, meaning it is possibly carcinogenic to humans.29 Research also suggests microwave radiation may play a significant role in male reproductive health.

While evaluating studies showing you can radically reduce biological microwave damage using calcium channel blockers, Dr. Martin Pall discovered a previously unknown mechanism of biological harm from microwaves emitted by cellphones and other wireless technologies.30

Embedded in your cell membranes are voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs). It turns out these VGCCs are activated by microwaves, and when that happens, about 1 million calcium ions per second are released.

This massive excess of intracellular calcium then stimulates the release of nitric oxide (NO) inside your cell and mitochondria, which combines with superoxide to form peroxynitrite. Not only do peroxynitrites cause oxidative damage, but they also create hydroxyl free radicals — the most destructive free radicals known to man.

Hydroxyl free radicals decimate mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, their membranes and proteins. The end result is mitochondrial dysfunction, which we now know is at the heart of most chronic diseases.

The tissues with the highest density of VGCCs are your brain, the pacemaker in your heart and male testes. (A man's testicles are also more vulnerable to EMFs for the fact that they're on the outside of the body. Women's eggs, on the other hand, are somewhat protected and shielded from EMFs due to them being further inside the body.31)

What this research tells us is that excessive microwave exposure can be a direct contributor to conditions such as Alzheimer's, anxiety, depression, autism, cardiac arrhythmias and infertility.32 Indeed, other studies have linked low-level electromagnetic radiation (EMR) exposure from cellphones to an 8% reduction in sperm motility and a 9% reduction in sperm viability.33,34

Wi-Fi equipped laptop computers have also been linked to decreased sperm motility and an increase in sperm DNA fragmentation after just four hours of use!35 So, if you care about your reproductive health, avoid carrying your cellphone in your pockets or on your hip, and avoid using portable computers and tablets on your lap." 

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