By Joseph on Friday, 07 January 2022
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Mad Macron’s War on the Unvaxxed By Richard Miller (London)

Here is an example of Covid tyranny that would have been unheard of a few months ago, where at least the elite had a bit more discretion and restraint. Over the stagnant pond in France, Macron the mad, is laughing like the Joker from the Batman movies at his plans to make life hell for the unvaxxed. It will be too bad if the vax critics are right and the vaxxed start going down like flies. We pure bloods need to hang on and ride this out, and let the system self-destruct. Oh, and pardon the “French,” pun intended.

“French President Emmanuel Macron has caused outrage after saying he aims to ‘piss off’ the unjabbed in the country by implementing a vaccine pass regime.

“I really want to piss them off,” said French President Emmanuel Macron regarding French unvaccinated during an interview on Tuesday, sparking outrage in the country.

The president made the comments in relation to his government’s plan to implement a vaccine pass regime in France, a plan which has now been repeatedly frustrated, after debate surrounding the measure was suspended again in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

“Me, I’m not for pissing off the French,” The President said, according to a report by Le Monde. “But as for the unvaccinated, I really want to piss them off.”

“And so we will continue to do so, until the end. This is the strategy,” Macron said.

The French president then went into detail as to how exactly he wants to “piss” the unvaccinated off.

“We put pressure on the unvaccinated by limiting for them, as much as possible, access to social life activities,” Macron is reported to have said.

“I’m not going to put them in jail, I’m not going to forcibly vaccinate them. And so, you have to tell them: from January 15, you will no longer be able to go to the restaurant, you will no longer be able to go for a coffee, you will no longer be able to go to the theatre, you will no longer be able to go to the movies…”

Macron went on to emphasise that “Almost all people, more than 90%, have adhered” to vaccination in France, and that “it is a very small minority which is resistant”.

The French head of state also talked about “the immense moral fault of antivax” and how their actions would “undermine what is the strength of a nation”.

“When [the individual] freedom threatens the freedom of others, [the individual is] irresponsible,” Macron said. “An irresponsible person is no longer a citizen”

Despite this, the President did draw a line at forcing medical professionals to discriminate between vaccinated and unvaccinated people.

“You cannot place caregivers in front of this,” he said. “Because a caregiver looks at someone who is sick and he does not look at where he comes from, what he is.”

The remarks come shortly after similar ones by the French health minister who said strict vaccine passports were intended to be a form of coercion by design. Olivier Véran said in December that passes are “a disguised form of vaccination obligation… Preventing people from going to bars, restaurants, places that receive the public, if they are not vaccinated, is more effective than fining them €100 when caught in the street.”

Emmanuel Macron’s comments have sparked outrage amongst French politicians.

Presidential candidate for Rassemblement National (RN), Marine Le Pen, denounced the comments for their vulgarity.

“This vulgarity and this violence of the President of the Republic prove that he never considered himself the president of all French people,” a post on the candidate’s social media reads. “It is a political fault but also a serious moral fault!”

Meanwhile, Reconquête leader and presidential candidate Éric Zemmour also took aim at Macron.

“This is not just the cynical statement of a politician who wants to exist in the presidential campaign,” the candidate wrote. “It is the admitted, accepted cruelty that parades in front of despised French people.”

Meanwhile, Les Républicains President Christian Jacob said that he “refused to endorse a text which aims to piss off the French” regarding the new law vaccine pass law Macron’s government is struggling to get past parliament.

The incendiary comments have also added another layer of controversy to an already contentious vote regarding the implementation of vaccination passes in the country.

In a political upset on Monday evening, a majority in the French National Assembly refused to examine the proposed law change, delaying the government’s plans.

Debate on the topic was then further delayed for a second time in the small hours of Wednesday morning, shortly after Macron’s comments as condemnations rang out from the political opposition.

The bill is next scheduled to be discussed again at 1500 CET (0900 EST), on Wednesday.”

Macron is an extreme example of the now new normal practice of stigmatising the unvaxxed, who have become modern day lepers. Here is another example from Germany, but one more case of mass formation psychosis:

“You know you’ve entered a twilight zone of insanity when a police officer tells you you’re a criminal simply because you’re unvaccinated. That’s exactly what happened the other day in Germany. The police officer insisted the unvaccinated man was “a murderer” because he “might infect someone,” and that he’s “not a human.”

The bizarre altercation was posted on Twitter December 12, 2021, (see above). In response, the unvaccinated man tells the cop he’s the one who has “lost all humanity.” Indeed. Who thought we’d ever see the day when individuals are marked as “murderers” and “not human” based on vaccination status alone?

It’s beyond irrational. But then again, insanity does not obey reason, and according to professor Mattias Desmet, a Belgian psychologist, the world has indeed been hypnotized into a state of mass psychosis.1

“Mass formation psychosis” is the explanation for how the Germans accepted the atrocities by the Nazi party in the 1930s, and it’s the explanation for why so many around the world support medical apartheid and the dehumanization of the unvaccinated now.

You Cannot Comply Your Way Out of Tyranny

The stigmatization and dehumanization of the unvaxxed is all the more irrational when you consider that the COVID shot doesn’t prevent infection or spread of the virus. Those who have received one, two or even three doses are STILL contracting the infection, and at ever-increasing rates, and are spreading it to vaxxed and unvaxxed alike.

Outbreaks among “fully vaccinated” populations, isolated on cruise ships, for example, have occurred on several occasions, proving the shots fail to prevent outbreaks. The COVID-jabbed are clearly just as “dangerous” and likely to “kill” their fellow man as those who are unjabbed.

When either decision — the decision to get the jab or decline it — results in you posing the exact same level of risk to others, how can anyone say that one is more dangerous than the other? Anyone still capable of clear, level-headed thinking will see that it doesn’t add up.

Unfortunately, most countries are experiencing a mass delusional psychosis. They have been manipulated into believing highly irrational absurdities. The same psychological operation was at work in the 1930s, when Jews, the old and infirm, and the mentally and physically handicapped were dehumanized and blamed as carriers of disease and other social ills.

In the short video above, Auschwitz survivor Marian Turski, now 94 years old, describes the incremental dehumanization and ostracizing that took place in Nazi Germany, ultimately ending in the Holocaust. Now, we stand before the same fork in the road yet again. Many, like the German police officer, are choosing the well-trodden road of repeated history.

Stigmatizing Unvaccinated Is Unjustified

November 20, 2021, The Lancet published a letter by Gunter Kampf, titled “COVID-19: Stigmatizing the Unvaccinated Is Not Justified.”2 “In the USA and Germany, high-level officials have used the term pandemic of the unvaccinated, suggesting that people who have been vaccinated are not relevant in the epidemiology of COVID-19,” Kampf writes.

However, he adds, “There is increasing evidence that vaccinated individuals continue to have a relevant role in transmission.” He goes on to cite statistics from Massachusetts, where 469 new COVID-19 cases were identified during July 2021. Of those, 346 (74%) were either fully or partially jabbed, and 274 (79%) were symptomatic.

People who are vaccinated have a lower risk of severe disease but are still a relevant part of the pandemic. It is therefore wrong and dangerous to speak of a pandemic of the unvaccinated. ~ Gunter Kampf

The cycle threshold values used during PCR testing were also similarly low regardless of COVID jab status (median 22.8 cycles, which minimizes the risk of false positive results), “indicating a high viral load even among people who were fully vaccinated,” Kampf notes. These data are clear evidence that the COVID jabs cannot end the pandemic, and may in fact be preventing it from dying out naturally. Kampf continues:3

“In the USA, a total of 10,262 COVID-19 cases were reported in vaccinated people by April 30, 2021, of whom 2725 (26.6%) were asymptomatic, 995 (9.7%) were hospitalized, and 160 (1.6%) died. In Germany, 55.4% of symptomatic COVID-19 cases in patients aged 60 years or older were in fully vaccinated individuals, and this proportion is increasing each week.

In Münster, Germany, new cases of COVID-19 occurred in at least 85 (22%) of 380 people who were fully vaccinated or who had recovered from COVID-19 and who attended a nightclub.

People who are vaccinated have a lower risk of severe disease but are still a relevant part of the pandemic. It is therefore wrong and dangerous to speak of a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

Historically, both the USA and Germany have engendered negative experiences by stigmatizing parts of the population for their skin color or religion.

I call on high-level officials and scientists to stop the inappropriate stigmatization of unvaccinated people, who include our patients, colleagues, and other fellow citizens, and to put extra effort into bringing society together.”

Human Today, Not Human Tomorrow

It’s important to realize you cannot comply your way out of this tyranny. If you choose to get the COVID shot because you don’t want to be stigmatized, there can be no end to your compliance to future boosters, no matter what the cost to you or your family.

In short order — a handful of months at most — you will suddenly and arbitrarily be deemed an unvaccinated menace to society again, even though you’ve already had one, two or three kill shots.

None of that will matter. You get no brownie points for past compliance. At six months past your second or third dose, your status will go from green to red, from human to not human, literally overnight. You’re “unvaccinated” again, until or unless you get another booster. This cycle will continue until you’re dead. Are you game? Is that how you want to spend the rest of your life?

COVID Shots Keep the ‘Pandemic’ Going

More than 80 studies have confirmed that natural immunity to COVID-19 is equal or superior to what you get from the jab.4 This conforms to well-established medical science, so it’s no surprise. It’s as it should be.

But for the first time in modern medical history, natural immunity is being portrayed as having no benefit whatsoever. Even worse, those with natural immunity are being labeled as dangerous and are shunned and even fired from their jobs for failing to get a shot.

Only the jabbed are protected and can protect others, health authorities now claim — even though it’s those with natural immunity who are most protected and don’t pose a risk to others.

The reality and truth, though, is that natural immunity is long-lasting, protects against all variants and will not contribute to the creation of variants. The same cannot be said for the COVID jab. We now have clear evidence the shots offer, at most, six months’ worth of protection, after which the relative risk reduction drops to zero.

As just one example among many, a Swedish study5 published October 25, 2021, found that while the jabs initially lowered the risk of hospitalization, their effectiveness rapidly waned.

This and other studies showing waning immunity were discussed in a December 9, 2021, New England Journal of Medicine interview.6 As noted in that interview, the Delta variant, which is significantly different from the initial SARS-CoV-2 strain, can infect fully jabbed individuals, and its ability to do so increases over time, as the effectiveness of the shot rapidly wanes.

Aside from waning efficacy, the fact that the virus is mutating within “vaccinated” populations also forces it to develop the capacity to circumvent the COVID jab. In short, the deck is stacked against those who rely on the COVID shot to protect them. In the long term, it’s a hopeless situation, as we cannot inoculate our way out of an endemic with a product that doesn’t prevent infection and spread!

Sadly, NEJM, rather than promoting science, toes the line of the official mainstream narrative and suggest boosters are the answer. They should know better, which raises suspicions that conflicts of interest likely impact their clinical judgment.7

Lindsey Baden, one of the interviewees, has received grants from the National Institutes of Health, the Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust — three institutions that more or less openly support medical tyranny and totalitarian rule by a biosecurity-based police state.

The Gravity of Our Situation

In the video above, Dr. Chris Martenson interviews Desmet about the gravity of our situation, seeing how it’s rooted in a grossly self-destructive psychiatric condition — and one that permits totalitarianism to flourish.

According to Desmet, the mass formation psychosis now appears so widespread that global totalitarianism may be unavoidable. He believes it’ll take over, as we’re seeing in a number of countries already.

The German police officer denouncing the humanity of the unvaccinated is a shining example of the brainwashing propaganda that supports and strengthens the totalitarian state, and allows inconceivable atrocities to be committed in broad daylight. The question is, what can we do to limit the damage?

First and foremost, we must continue to provide true and accurate information to counter the false narratives. Some who aren’t yet fully hypnotized may still be routed back to sanity. Speaking out can also help to limit the atrocities the totalitarian regime is emboldened to implement, because in totalitarianism, atrocities and crimes against humanity increase as dissent decreases.

We can also substitute fear of the virus narratives with narratives that highlight an even greater fear — fear of totalitarianism. That’s a far greater threat to you and your children, by far. Try to appeal to people’s memory. Remind them of the freedoms they grew up with. Do they really want to be responsible for leaving their children with zero freedom to think and act for themselves?

Also, join with other dissenters into larger groups. This gives the larger majority who aren’t fully hypnotized but too fearful to go against the grain an alternative to going along with the totalitarians.

Lastly, start building parallel structures within your local communities that address the four underlying conditions that allowed mass formation psychosis to develop in the first place, namely poor social bonding, lack of meaning in life, free-floating anxiety and discontent, and free-floating frustration and aggression.

A parallel structure is any kind of business, organization, technology, movement or creative pursuit that fits within a totalitarian society while being morally outside of it. Once enough parallel structures are created, a parallel culture is born that functions as a sanctuary of sanity within the totalitarian world.

By rebuilding society, starting locally, into one where people feel connected and valued, the foundational psychological conditions for totalitarianism are undermined and ultimately eliminated. That’s the grand challenge facing all of us.”

Writer Thomas Harrington gives his spin on the fall of common sense in the age of Covid in the following lively commentary, which argues that there has been an erosion of communal life:

“Before the Spring of 2020, one was either sick or well according to long-understood empirical measures. But with the advent of mass testing for asymptomatic people (with a test designed to generate copious false positives) and with it, the well-crafted, if entirely apocryphal “reality” of asymptomatic transmission, the elites gained the instant ability to portray millions of us “pre-sick,” and thus as potentially grave threats to the general welfare and, of course, potentially deserving of harsh sanctions. 

And it worked. And now the generalized suspicion and fear they hoped to develop in us is lodged deep inside most people’s brains and is affecting family and community relations in very granular ways. 

The results are all around us to see. A week ago, at Christmas I had a runny nose and sore throat. In past years, before such banal things had been given a name and imbued—in complete contradiction to all empirical evidence—with legendary powers of destruction, I would have made a personal decision, rooted in my knowledge of my body, and a common sense understanding of the danger I might or might not do to others, to go, or not to go, the family gathering at my sister’s house. And she would have respected whatever decided to do. 

But now, thanks to the web of pre-crime/pre-sickness detection enabled by mass testing, my sniffles were now a grave community matter. What if I was “positive” and passed it on to my nephew? Then he, who is constantly being “tried” for pre-sickness as part of the new school regimen, wouldn’t be able to go to school for several days. 

Totally obviated from the calculus in such a scenario was the fact that my nephew if positive might not even be near being sick as judged by empirical means, or whether—in the case my sniffles were somehow related to the now mythologized virus—his catching it could or would have any serious long-terms effects on him, his classmates, or his teacher. No, the only thing that would be considered important would be the school’s “duty” to exercise segregation in the name of a vague and empirically unprovable notion of safety. 

Another youthful family member tested positive near Christmas and was told by his employer to stay home. Sensible enough.  

He has been completely symptom-free now for at least a week. But he has still not been able to return to work. Why? Because the employer, deeply enmeshed in test-think and thus now completely unable to trust either my youthful relative’s word or their own powers of observation, insists he must be able to first produce a negative test. Well, guess what? There are now virtually no such tests available in the whole metropolitan area where we live. And so he sits, fully healthy and unpaid in his apartment. 

This is madness. 

We are, under the pressure of what is arguably the most ambitious and well-coordinated perception management campaign in history, having some of our more basic perceptual and behavioral instincts rapidly bred out of our lives. And worse yet, most people have yet to fathom or even contemplate the actual reasons why this is being done and, what it all portends for the future of human dignity and freedom. 

The prime goal of all social elites is to gain and maintain their power. And for the most part, they are deeply aware of the expense and inefficiency of doing so through the constant application of physical force. 

This is why, as the great scholar of culture Itamar Even-Zohar has shown with convincing clarity, they have since the advent of Sumerian civilization spent enormous amounts of energy and money on culture-planning campaigns designed to achieve what he calls widespread “proneness” among the general populace. 

In short, the powerful know that creating cultural realities that allow them to “get inside the heads” of ordinary individuals and their families is the gold standard of power maintenance and extension. 

Sadly, during the last 22 months millions of people around the world have not only not resisted these attempts to intrude on our individual and communal dignity, but have, in their weakened psychic state, effectively welcomed them into their lives with open arms. 

And there they will stay, until more of us decide that we want to reassume the basic responsibilities of psychic adulthood and vigorously cast them back into the dark warehouse of classic authoritarian techniques from whence they were pulled by politicians working at the behest of the Deep State, Big Capital, Big Pharma and Big Tech.”


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