By Super User on Wednesday, 23 August 2017
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Love and Peace and War By Charles Taylor

     Even conservative cultural critics like me love to visit the ever-cranky Jim Goad over at Taki’s Mag to see what he has said about the latest piece of cultural collapse. He is my measuring stick of the collapse. How many minutes to Goad does humanity have left?
    Here is his take on Charlottesville, the lunar Left and Trump:

     Many angry four-letter words at this site, so do not go there if you are easily offended, as you must be by almost everything in our sinister society.

     Goad’s point is that however bad the Alt Right were, a moot point, there was extensive violence by the Left and antifa at the Charlottesville rally and all others. Not only did they make improvised flamethrowers, but even reporters got bashed for just filming the antifa on their rampage:

     As Goad says: “As far as I can discern, the reporter was only trying to film the festivities. Being a reporter for a TV station anywhere in America in 2017, odds are that he leans left. But since Antifa didn’t like someone filming their animalistic behavior, he magically transformed into a “white supremacist” who endorsed “rape culture,” so there was nothing wrong with splitting his skull open.”

     Somehow Jim missed the one about the guy who had a long-on-top, buzzed-on-the-sides haircut, was not a neo-Nazi, but was almost stabbed to death by an antifa anyway:
Well, I guess even Left would-be-killers make mistakes.

     Goad rips into the mainstream media, who have been so defensive of the antifa, that even people on their side are worried that everyone is starting to look stupid. The phrase, “peace through violence” was used in one  MSM article, but dropped when someone pointed out the contradiction in terms to them.
The incident with the antifa using the flamethrower was justified by saying that the “care worker” trying to cook Alt Righters, did so in self-defence as a gun was used against him, so he grabbed a can which just happened to be at his feet, even though police reported no guns even being fired.

     But, what has truth got to do with it? After all, violence, the Left tell us is the path towards peace:
before growing up and moving into establishment, globalist jobs, and running the System.

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