By John Wayne on Tuesday, 02 July 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Long Covid is the Vax! By Brian Simpson

The medical problems following the Covid period cannot be hidden, including the rise of turbo-charged cancers, rare and aggressive cancers that used to be rare in the aged, but which now are affecting the younger set. As well there are an array of cardio-vascular issues, and somewhat lesser health issues, that have been lumped together as Long Covid. This refers to the supposed actions of the Covid infection over time. It has become a standard way of the mainstream medical profession to admit health issues without in any way implicating the sacred Covid vax.

But not all mainstream health officials take this line. Dr Robert Redfield, who was leading the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in 2020, resigned this position in 2021, disagreeing with policies. And what a disagreement: the Covid vaxxes have harmful effects, the lockdowns were unjustified and counter-productive, the Covid virus was a lab creation, and Long Covid is caused by vaccine injury! He said: "My clinic is about 50 per cent to 60 per cent long covid. Probably 10 per cent of the patients I see have never had covid. Their symptoms are vaccine-induced." "The spike protein is immunotoxic, when you give the vaccine, we make the spike protein. I don't know how much spike protein you make. You may make a little or you may make a lot. You may make it for a week. You may make it for a month." 'They never should have mandated vaccines. It was a terrible decision. Mandating vaccines for healthy firefighters, policemen, the military, hospital workers and teachers was emotional. It shouldn't have happened, and we should always have honoured individual choice on those vaccines. Secondly, we should always have given more credit that immunity from infection had value too. We had people who said it had no value and we had people who lost their jobs who were immune by infection – short-term immunity but they had antibodies from a natural infection – but they lost their jobs because they didn't get vaccinated – that was overreach. The lockdowns were overreach."

This sounds like someone from the anti-vax camp, but the good doctor is not, just critical of the mRNA one; he has had eight jabs himself, presumably not of the mRNA variety.

"DR ROBERT Redfield was at the helm of the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in 2020 when the covid crisis hit. He resigned his post in spring 2021 at the height of the vaccine rollout after disagreeing with policies. Now he confirms what we have been screaming for the last three years: covid vaccines can harm, natural immunity does offer protection, lockdowns were government overreach, mRNA vaccines are immunotoxic, the virus was not natural in origin and, more counter-intuitively, that long covid is real and is caused by vaccine injury.

In an interview with veteran vaccine-injured broadcaster Chris Cuomo, he reveals all this and more.

Dr Robert Redfield, 72, is an American virologist who was CDC director between 2018 and 2021. He now runs a long covid clinic and is adamant that long covid is real while governments and doctors still gaslight those suffering. He said: 'My clinic is about 50 per cent to 60 per cent long covid. Probably 10 per cent of the patients I see have never had covid. Their symptoms are vaccine-induced.'

He describes one long covid sufferer's neurological injury: 'Joy, 56, could speak in three to five words at a time and couldn't find the next three to five words. She really couldn't communicate. This had been going on for 18 months. I turned to her and said, "Joy, you're the sickest person I've ever seen from cognitive dysfunction in my four years doing this." She immediately burst into tears. I told my wife later, she said, "Bob, I thought you had a better bedside manner." I felt real bad about it but I just had to tell her the truth.

'The next week [Joy] came to see me. I said I want to apologise for the way I told you. She stopped me and pausing after every few words said: "I did not cry because you told me I was the sickest person you have ever seen, I cried because you acknowledged I was sick".'

Patients are dismissed by most doctors, continually told they need to see a psychiatrist and prescribed antidepressants for vaccine injury and long covid symptoms. Dr Redfield said: 'I have one guy who's seen 35 doctors and they all tell him he's trying to get off work or he's trying to get disability. These people have long covid.

'I think [those in authority] should have been more honest about the fact that there were side effects from those vaccines and some people were actually harmed.'

The CDC and our ownMedicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) have not halted the vaccine rollout despite many reports of serious illness and death. Pfizer's CEO Albert Bourla claims they have analysed all the safety data and have seen no worrying signals. Dr Redfield says vaccine injury is obvious. 'It's really important to get data person to person, patient to patient. I have evaluated many patients and I have no doubt their symptoms and disease course are 100 per cent related to the vaccine.

'The spike protein is immunotoxic, when you give the vaccine, we make the spike protein. I don't know how much spike protein you make. You may make a little or you may make a lot. You may make it for a week. You may make it for a month.'

He now thinks the mRNA vaccines, technology he helped to develop, should be replaced by protein-based, non-RNA vaccines, the one he favours in Novavax.

Dr Redfield is equally vocal about government overreach and vaccine mandates which he did not agree with. Neither did he think vaccinating healthy under-60s was a good idea.

Donald Trump was president in 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic. Dr Redfield, who says he has personally had eight covid jabs, said: 'He did try to keep the American public from overreacting and people were critical of that. Was there overreach from the government? I think there's no question about it. I might even argue that it got worse in the Biden administration.

'I remember Biden saying this is an epidemic of the unvaccinated. I said wait a minute, two-thirds of the people I'm seeing have been vaccinated so these vaccines don't last, and they don't protect against infection.

'They never should have mandated vaccines. It was a terrible decision. Mandating vaccines for healthy firefighters, policemen, the military, hospital workers and teachers was emotional. It shouldn't have happened, and we should always have honoured individual choice on those vaccines. Secondly, we should always have given more credit that immunity from infection had value too. We had people who said it had no value and we had people who lost their jobs who were immune by infection – short-term immunity but they had antibodies from a natural infection – but they lost their jobs because they didn't get vaccinated – that was overreach. The lockdowns were overreach.

'I was very much against closing schools. I thought that kids were probably safer in schools. A lot of that was emotionalism with teachers. All of that is no doubt government overreach and we paid a big price for it.'

The origins of the virus have been hotly contested with the official narrative blaming the transfer of SARS-CoV-2 from bats via a yet unidentified mammal to humans. Dr Redfield backs the theory that the virus originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China and was bioengineered to be more infectious and harmful, known as gain of function.

He said: 'I remind people that when coronaviruses go from bats into humans, the one thing SARS and MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome, which appeared in 2012) have in common when they got to humans is that they didn't know how to efficiently transmit from human to human. So, when you look at the SARS outbreak from 2000 to 2003, we had less than 1,000 cases. Many years later, we have less than 10,000 cases; same thing with MERS. So, when Covid-19 started it immediately was one of the most infectious viruses we had for humans. I'm at the point of view as a virologist, the only way that really happened was that the virus had to be educated in how to infect humans.

'We know that Wuhan published a paper in 2014/15 in which they said they were successful in teaching coronavirus to bind to the ACE2 receptor (the body's gateway for viruses) which was able to infect humanised mice efficiently.

'When you look at that work, it turns out that USAID (United States Agency for International Development), NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases), the defence department (Department of Defence – DOD) and the State Department all funded that laboratory. In addition, a major colleague was the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, so clearly, the US was involved. I think this work led to the pandemic.

'China did not adhere to the international health regulations. They were supposed to allow people like me, the CDC, the WHO [World Health Organization] to go in within 48 hours and help figure this out. They didn't do it. I even had President Trump [in office from 2017 to 2021] call the president of China [Xi Jinping] to allow my team to go in. That didn't happen.

'We now know that transmission of Covid-19 began between August and October 2019, and clearly, they knew it. In the middle of September, the Wuhan lab had several things happen to it that raised high suspicion. One is that they changed the leadership of the lab from civilian leadership to military leadership. They deleted all the sequence data they had on historical coronaviruses, which is highly irregular. Then they put a contract in for a new ventilation system. They had the military games in Wuhan (the 2019 Military World Games were held there October 18-27) but the government didn't allow any spectators which tells you that something was going on.

'[Zoologist] Peter Daszak [British president of the EcoHealth Alliance, a US-based organisation that conducts research into global health] testified to Congress a couple of weeks ago that there were thousands of viruses in that lab, and they had no idea what they were.'

How was this information received by Dr Redfield's colleagues when he first raised the Wuhan alarm in 2021? They issued death threats. One told him, 'Wither and die.' He said: 'I expected it from politicians, I didn't expect it from friends and colleagues.' Which illustrates perfectly how divisive this issue is and how free speech is discouraged with the harshest responses." 

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