By Joseph on Wednesday, 24 November 2021
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Kyle Rittenhouse Accuses Biden of Malice By Chris Knight (Florida)

There has been some action on the Rittenhouse litigation front, with the first “warning shot,” so to speak, being fired. Rittenhouse, while interviewed by Tucker Carlson said that Biden defamed him by calling him a white supremacist. Probably the voices in old Joe’s head, beamed in by those who have him robot-like on remote, did. Would they get sued as well, or will old Joe simply plea mental incompetence, then go on shadow ruling the US, as the New World Order Script dictates?

“Kyle Rittenhouse slammed Joe Biden for “defaming” his character when the president tweeted out a video suggesting the teen is a white supremacist.

“It’s actual malice, defaming my character for him to say something like that,” Rittenhouse told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson during an hour-long interview that aired Monday night.

Rittenhouse, who was acquitted on all charges last Friday in his highly-publicized murder trial, was responding to a question from Carlson about how he felt over the president’s comments.

Biden, when he was a presidential candidate in September 2020, had tweeted that “there’s no other way to put it: the President of the United States refused to disavow white supremacists on the debate stage last night,” referring to then-president Donald Trump.

The post, which includes a 50-second clip, refers to a question Fox News host Chris Wallace asked Trump during a presidential debate about whether he was willing “to condemn white supremacists and militia groups” in the wake of unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and other American cities.

The clip includes an image of Rittenhouse, 18, wielding a semi-automatic rifle.

Rittenhouse, in Monday night’s interview, also blasted Biden over his post-verdict prepared statement, where the president said he was “angry and concerned” over the trial’s outcome.

“Mr. President, if I could say one thing to you, I would urge you to go back and watch the trial and understand the facts before you make a statement,” Rittenhouse said.

A jury cleared Rittenhouse of charges of homicide, attempted homicide and reckless endangerment on Friday in the deaths of Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26, and the wounding of Gaige Grosskreutz, 27, on Aug. 25, 2020.

He was 17 when he brought a semi-automatic rifle and a medical kit to Kenosha in what he said was an effort to protect businesses as riots broke out over the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a black man who was left paralyzed from the waist down, on Aug. 23.

His attorneys argued that the teenager acted in self-defense when he opened fire.

The high-profile case created debate over whether Rittenhouse used his legal right to use weapons during the violence in Kenosha or whether he was a dangerous vigilante who escalated the tension.”

“Kyle Rittenhouse slammed President Biden and former lawyers Lin Wood and John Pierce during an exclusive interview with Fox News' Tucker Carlson on Monday; Rittenhous said President Biden "defamed" his character and his former lawyers allegedly took advantage of him.

"It's actual malice defaming my character for him (President Biden) to say something like that," Rittenhouse told Carlson in response to Biden calling him a "white supremacist."

Carlson asked Rittenhouse what he would say to the President if given the opportunity in which Rittenhouse replied, "Mr. President, if I could say one thing to you I would urge you to go back and watch the trial and understand the facts before you make a statement."

Rittenhouse went on to explain to Carlson that he spent 87 days in jail because his former lawyers, Lin Wood and John Pierce, told him he would be safer in a cell rather than being at home. He said they took advantage of him, made false accusations that he was in a militia, and pressured him to do media interviews which Kyle noted was a bad decision.

"Lin Wood was raising money on my behalf and he held me in jail for 87 days, disrespected my wishes, and he put me on media interviews which i should never have done," Rittenhouse said. "He said 'Oh, you're going to go talk to the Washington Post,' which was not a good idea."

"Lin Wood along with John Pierce said I was safer in jail instead of at home with my family. I lost a lot of weight in there," Rittenhouse explained. "87 days not being with my family for defending myself and being taken advantage of."

Rittenhouse explained that his former lawyers raised enough money to post bail in mid-September but Wood and Pierce kept him in jail until late-November. He said they were "using" him and raised money for their own benefit instead of trying to "set him free."

"It was scary in jail. You had to watch over yourself and not alot of people liked me in jail...but they got to hear my story and got to understand me like, 'he's actually a really decent person and not this person that the media painted him out to be.'"

The Fox News host asked Kyle Rittenhouse if he had any sense of how his case was being talked about in the outside world while in jail in which Rittenhouse said he was shielded from the news and was shocked to hear that John Pierce said he was in a militia after he was bailed out.

"John Pierce said I was in an unorganized militia which is just blatantly false. I didn't know what a militia was until after the fact, until November 25, when I was watching some of the interviews he did," Rittenhouse explained. "I was like 'no wonder people are saying I was in a militia', he painted that narrative."


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