By John Wayne on Monday, 14 August 2023
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Klaus Schwab in Action: Down with National Sovereignty! By James Reed

James Bond style character, Klaus Schwab, can be viewed in full flight, where he is quite open about national sovereignty being a threat to all-knowing globalist organisations, such as the World Economic Forum, solving all the world’s problems, such as the so-called climate change crisis. This is a concentrated form of technocracy, where individual freedom is eschewed, in favour of expert control. We do not get a say abut this, since these people despise democracy, and the ordinary person, who is seen as a useless eater, and fully disposable. This has been made quite clear with talks from the World Economic Forum platform, where ideas like spreading an allergy to red meat, get a serious discussion: Dr. Matthew Liao, speaking at the 2016 World Science Festival said: “People eat too much meat. And if they were to cut down on their consumption on meat, then it would actually really help the planet. But people are not willing to give up meat. Some people will be willing to, but other people – they may be willing to but they have a weakness of will. They say ‘this steak is just too juicy, I can’t do that.’ I’m one of those by the way.

So here’s a thought. So it turns out that we know a lot about — we have these intolerances… For example, I have a milk intolerance. And some people are intolerant to crayfish. So possibly we can use human engineering to make the case that we’re intolerant to certain kinds of meat, to certain kinds of bovine proteins…

There’s this thing called the Lone Star tick where if it bites you, you will become allergic to meat… So that’s something we can do through human engineering. We can possibly address really big world problems through human engineering.”

It is creepy indeed, this weird world of the globalists.

“Former US government insider and author of 'The Great Reset', Marc Morano, on Klaus Schwab's recent G20 speech: "He's talking about us essentially giving up national sovereignty, giving up individual freedoms, and turning over rule to experts... This whole agenda is to make it so we have no choice on some of the biggest questions of our lives." "We didn't get to vote on whether gas powered cars would be banned, we didn't vote for vaccine mandates, we didn't vote for lockdowns, we didn't vote for banning of meat. But all of this is happening, because at these meetings like the World Economic Forum and the United Nations, they meet and they work with government-corporate collusion to bypass democracy and impose stuff through this corporate government fascism."


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