By John Wayne on Tuesday, 23 July 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Joe Biden Sails off into the Ice Cream Sunset; the all-Cackling Kamala Harris Rises to the Occasion, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Things are happening fast now. Just over a week since President Trump's attempted assassination by the Deep State, we now have President Joe Biden dropping out of the 2024 presidential campaign, to endorse the existing Vice President Kamala Harris. This was predictable, as if some sort of script has been followed, which it is. Thus, we have seen the likes of Hillary Clinton and George Soros approving the candidature of Harris.

This is going to be interesting, since Harris is disliked by voters even more than Biden. Tulsi Gabbard essentially ended Harris' bid to be president, raising the issues about how Harris as a prosecutor discriminated against Black and brown people: Gabbard has said that a Harris presidency would be "terrifying," much worse than the Biden presidency, as Harris is untested, and unqualified for the job. It should be added that apart from AOC, she is the most radical Leftist of possible candidates:

On a personal level, she has a disturbing, unnerving, cackling laugh, that may indicate some further issues. Just imagine decisions of national security and nuclear weapons use being in her hands!

Elon Musk: "The political machine just wants a "puppet" who will perform better." But we do not know with Harris if even that is true? 

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