By Joseph on Friday, 24 September 2021
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Jim Goad on the Absence of White Guys at University By James Reed

Jim Goad in his weekly agony column, discusses the decline of males at universities, a trend seen across the West. This is especially so for white males. Personally, I welcome this trend, since the universities have become horrible politically correct cesspools. Men are far better off getting practical skills from trades, or doing technical studies. Later, after systems collapse, these places can be retaken, in a totally reformed format. It is only a strategic retreat.


“College: No Place for White Males

In both the United States and England, white males are seeing their college enrollment numbers drop while women and racial minorities are making gains.

An analysis by the Pell Institute says that poor and working-class white men are enrolling in college at lower rates than poor and working-class black, Asian, and Hispanic men.

According to The Wall Street Journalwomen currently outnumber men in American universities three to two. If the trend continues, a researcher from the National Student Clearinghouse says that over the next few years, two women will receive a college diploma for every male that graduates. This is despite the fact that women only comprise 49% of the college-age population.

As you would reasonably infer from his name, Jerlando Jackson is black. He works at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Education and says, “As a country, we don’t have the tools yet to help white men who find themselves needing help. To be in a time when there are groups of white men that are falling through the cracks, it’s hard.”

Does that mean everything being hammered into students’ skulls about America being a white-male patriarchy is a lie?

In England, white-male enrollment in universities has dropped by 10% over the past seven years. White males are the only demographic in the country to see their raw numbers drop in college enrollment — every other group has seen gains. Only 13% of white working-class English males go on to higher education.

Peter Edwards, a Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at Oxford, says:

I have seen the real distaste and disdain of academics for the mores of the white working-class male. These young people have much to contribute and their ambitions must now be rekindled. My concern is that their sense of feeling forgotten at the expense of other groups will lead to grave societal problems.

He speaks the truth, so he will probably be forced to resign. After all, he works at a prestigious university.”


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