By John Wayne on Monday, 03 March 2025
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

It All Started with the Club of Rome! By James Reed

Where did global warming and climate change hysteria come from? From disinterested scientific discoveries, rigorously research and debated, even though there was a strong belief in the 1970s that cold cooling, if not a new ice age, was coming? No, it was once more the usual suspects, the globalists, this time as Technocracy News notes, the Club of Rome, a Rockefeller creation. The Club said of itself: "In searching for the new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned, namely mistaking symptoms for cause. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changing attitudes and behaviors that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."

From there came the infamous The Limits to Growth (1972) report predicting the doom of industrial civilisation by 2050, and from this came the UN's Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and, New Urban Agenda, along with the climate change body, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), pumping up climate change hysteria every four years or so with its reports. This led in 2009 in the US to the "Endangerment Finding," a supposed scientific report alleging that the world was facing an existential threat from climate change. This finding was used by the government for regulations limiting the emission of greenhouse gases since the Obama presidency.

Now it has been reported that the Trump administration, under the lobbying of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lee Zeldin, is considering rejecting the 2009 report. That would mean that the entire grab bag of regulations of greenhouse gas emissions that came rolling out of Democrat administrations, would be overturned. And it is about time, as the game plan according to Agenda 2030, is the deindustrialisation of the West, while communist China is given a dream run to become number one.

The stakes for the West could not be higher.

"The Trump Administration may soon do away with a major scientific finding that has been the basis for hundreds of billions in government spending on climate change.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lee Zeldin is reportedly lobbying for the White House to strike down the 'endangerment finding,' a 2009 scientific conclusion which found that gases leading to global warming pose a threat to public health and welfare.

The finding has served as the justification for government regulations limiting the emission of greenhouse gases since the Obama presidency.

According to three anonymous sources who spoke with the Washington Post, Zeldin has recommended that President Trump repeal the endangerment finding – clearing the way for the undoing of countless climate regulations now in place throughout America.

Both the Obama and Biden Administrations used this 2009 ruling to impose new limits on the emissions produced by cars, factories, and power plants.

However, government spending watchdogs have detailed how much money this has cost taxpayers, with lawmakers imposing costly new rules on American companies while also handing out billions in grants and subsidies to climate-focused initiatives.

In the Biden-era Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 alone, nearly $400 billion over the next decade was ticketed for slashing carbon emissions.

Just two years later, the American Action Forum calculated that the EPA's newest tailpipe emissions rule would cost $870 billion over a two decade period.

Conservatives have argued that the government's strict regulations aimed at combating climate change have harmed the country financially, burdening both consumers and manufacturers with higher costs to meet federal emissions standards.

Tom Pyle, president of the oil and gas advocacy group American Energy Alliance, told the Washington Post, 'They unfortunately didn't do this in the first term, so I'm pleased to see that they're working on this in the second term.'

Conversely, supporters of the reforms have cited the benefits of stronger regulations, including improvements to public health and contributing the worldwide effort of slowing climate change.

Vickie Patton, general counsel for the Environmental Defense Fund, argued, 'Americans are already suffering devastating impacts from the climate pollution that is fueling worsening disasters like heat waves and floods, more intense fires and hurricanes, and dangerous smog levels.'

'Such an effort would be reckless, unlawful, and ignore EPA's fundamental responsibility to protect Americans from destructive climate pollution. We will vigorously oppose it,' she added in a statement.

The seemingly impending rollback on US climate regulations has been in the works for over a month.

On President Trump's first day of his second term, he signed an executive order authorizing Zeldin to review the 'legality and continuing applicability of' the endangerment finding.

It was part of the administration's 'Unleashing American Energy' directive which tasked the federal government with finding and eliminating obstacles to the production of oil, natural gas, coal, hydropower, biofuels, and nuclear energy.

EPA spokeswoman Molly Vaseliou did not comment on the report, but did say that the agency was complying with the January 20 executive order.

Earlier this month, the Trump Administration notified more than 1,100 EPA employees that they could be dismissed 'immediately' at any time.

That group included scientists and experts who research and enforce policies related to air pollution, hazardous waste cleanup, and environmental emergency response.

Members of two influential EPA advisory committees which provide scientific guidance to the head of the agency were ousted in January.

This month, the administration reportedly refused to allow federal scientists and diplomats to attend a major climate change conference in China scheduled for March.

David Uhlmann, who led EPA enforcement during the Biden presidency, said that 'when viewed alongside everything else taking place, [the changes] are yet another unfortunate attack on public servants who have dedicated their careers to public health and environmental protection.

Myron Ebell, the leader of Trump's EPA transition team during the president's first term, noted that striking down the endangerment finding would likely make overturning Joe Biden's climate policies a smoother process.

'If you want to go back and redo one of these rules, you're going to have a very spirited court battle if you ignore the endangerment finding,' Ebell said. 'So I think they really need to do this.'

However, Sean Donahue, an attorney for environmental groups which support the endangerment finding, believes any effort to repeal the 2009 scientific finding would be struck down in court.

The Environmental Defense Fund sent a 10-page letter to Zeldin last week noting that the endangerment finding has already survived multiple court cases over the years.

In 2007, the US Supreme Court ruled that the EPA has the authority to regulate carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases as pollutants under the Clean Air Act." 

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