By John Wayne on Tuesday, 15 October 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Is this True that Bill Gates has a Genocidal Agenda? By Chris Knight (Florida)

That is the claim made at Natural by staff writer Ethan Huff, reporting on developments in Japan: "Japan Warns Bill Gates His "Days Are Numbered" After Abortion Drugs Found in Vaccines Japan has sent a clear message to Bill Gates - his time is running out. With the government's Covid Task Force swiftly uncovering his crimes, the walls are closing in on the globalist kingpin. Japanese scientists are now taking a stand, urging international prosecutors to bring a case of crimes against humanity against Gates. Among them, world-renowned experts like Dr. Fukushima are raising the alarm, revealing shocking discoveries that some vaccines contain abortion drugs designed for depopulation. They warn that there is overwhelming evidence suggesting Gates isn't finished yet - he has plans to inflict even more harm in the near future. It's time for the world to unite and bring him to justice!"

Very well, but what is the evidence? Japanese oncologist Dr. Masanori Fukushima wants international prosecutors to try Gates in court, given the evidence that has been uncovered of the harms of the mRNA vaxxes. As well, the Japanese government is deep in the mRNA trap, with the release of the world's first "self-amplifying" mRNA COVID jab, which will presumably vaccinate everyone whether they consent or not. However that being said, Bill Gates is a player by being an investor and vaccine advocate, but he is only a small part of the picture next to Dr Fauci and Trump himself who authorised the emergency release of the vax through Operation Warp Speed, a name he probably thought up from his Stat Trek days. The mRNA vaxxes have caused miscarriages, but they do not contain explicit abortion drugs themselves, unless there is now evidence.

"Japanese scientists are sounding. the alarm about the genocidal agenda of billionaire eugenicist and "philanthropist" Bill Gates, who is lacing "vaccines" with abortion-inducing pharmaceuticals.

World-renowned experts like leading Japanese oncologist Dr. Masanori Fukushima are urging international prosecutors to try Gates in court, especially now that the government's Covid Task Force has uncovered plenty of damning evidence showing that the Microsoft co-founder is trying to mass-slaughter the global population.

"They warn that there is overwhelming evidence suggesting Gates isn't finished yet – he has plans to inflict even more harm in the near future," tweeted TPV Sean (@tpvsean), the X / Twitter account of The People's Voice.

"It's time for the world to unite and bring him to justice!"

Dr. Fukushima wants all COVID mRNA injections to be immediately pulled from the market

After uncovering loads of scientific proof showing that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" are destroying lives, Dr. Fukushima issued a public plea for all of the mRNA (modRNA) varieties, i.e., Pfizer and Moderna, to be pulled from the market immediately.

Dr. Fukushima called COVID jabs "evil," adding that their impact on humanity has been nothing short of mass murder. And their release would not have been possible had the Trump administration not fast-tracked their release through Operation Warp Speed, the PREP Act and other tyrannical measures imposed during the "pandemic."

Big Pharma, Tony Fauci, Rochelle Walensky and many other co-conspirators are also on the hook for the roles they played in unleashing these deadly poisons under the guise of an "emergency" that quite frankly did not exist. Will any of them ever face justice for their crimes against humanity?

"I've worked with the Japanese for years – I have an active project with them right now – and they have the highest integrity," said Dr. Peter McCullough of The Wellness Company to Alex Jones in a recent Infowars interview about the credibility of these claims out of Japan against Bill Gates.

"You know, they (Japanese scientists) did studies with the Olympics showing that routine PCR testing was completely bogus. They've returned millions of vials of Moderna and Pfizer because of visible contaminants. Now the Japanese are calling for all of the vaccines to be taken off the world markets."

The problem, of course, is that billions of people were already injected with these jabs, so taking them off the market now will accomplish nothing. Calling for it to happen, though, sends a message to the world that Japan knows the truth and wants everyone else to know it, too.

The new Japanese government does not approve of what Dr. Fukushima is trying to do, and reports indicate that he and other scientists there are increasingly under attack for trying to send an important message to the world about the deadly impacts of COVID jabs.

Despite widespread protests from both the scientific community and people in general, the new Japanese government is forging ahead with plans to unleash the world's first "self-amplifying" mRNA COVID jab, which could open up a whole new can of worms in terms of public health." 

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