By John Wayne on Saturday, 25 February 2023
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Is it Believable? By Brian Simpson

There are reports, according to the mainstream media that the Pentagon, is investigating past reports of UFOs interfering with nuclear missiles based upon testimony by air force vets who saw UFO damage nuclear weapons back in 1967. The is apparently film footage of a UFO shooting a test missile out of the sky.

The first point should be whether this is true, or just a tall story. But, accepting it is true for the moment, it is puzzling what is going on here as the USSR would not have had such technology back in that day. And if it was little green men, that makes no sense either, as why would they play games with a few missiles and leave it at that. What, no invasion, no giant mother ships? No death rays sweeping the world? No, I call bs on this one.


“The Pentagon's UFO office is investigating historic reports of mysterious objects interfering with key nuclear missile silos.

Two Air Force veterans told they have testified to the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) this month about their experiences of UFOs interfering with US nuclear missiles.

One email shows AARO staff contacted former US Air Force ICBM launch officer Robert Salas to gather information about his chilling encounter with an orange flying disc that inexplicably turned off 10 warheads at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana in 1967.

And another former officer, Dr. Robert Jacobs, has briefed AARO on a 35mm film he shot for the Air Force in 1964 that allegedly caught a flying saucer shooting a test missile out of the sky.

The accounts offer a rare glimpse into the often classified work of the government unit tasked with probing unidentified phenomena in the air, sea and space.

AARO director Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick is also interviewing nine other witnesses of similar cases, according to author Robert Hastings, who has previously spoken to 167 veterans regarding 'more than a hundred UFO incursions at nuclear weapons sites during the Cold War era and beyond'.

Hastings wrote a book on the incidents called UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites.

In a blog post on Sunday, he revealed that he had been asked by Kirkpatrick to connect him with Salas, Jacobs, and other witnesses, after an unnamed Senate staffer read the book and recommended it to the AARO director for investigation.

Salas, 82, told he was impressed by the outreach, after decades of having his account either ignored or denied by the government.

'I've been wanting to tell a government agency my story for over 50 years,' Salas told 'It was a great big relief.

'They were very magnanimous. They listened intently. I gave them a complete report on the Malmstrom incidents.

'I'm more confident now than I was going in that they're trying to make a sincere effort.'”





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