By John Wayne on Friday, 05 July 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

International Health Regulations are as Bad as the WHO Pandemic Treaty for Australia, By Brian Simpson

Nation First has issued the warning that even though the World Health Organization (WHO) pandemic treaty has been put off until May 2025, when the fight begins again, the Australian Government has set up the Centre for Disease Control (CDC), with the goal of enforcing the World Health Organization's (WHO) new International Health Regulations (IHRs). The CDC will implement WHO policies under the International Health Regulations, by-passing governments. This will enable the WHO to impose mandatory medical procedures, quarantine, and surveillance, just as proposed under the pandemic treaty. The CDC will then be responsible for implementing the WHO's measures, including forced lockdowns, business closures, and travel restrictions, just as local governments did under Covid. Only it will be the WHO who declares what is a pandemic, and what is not, and they have a hair trigger as far as declaring pandemics goes. That is where they exert their will to power.

Hence there seems to be a virtual pandemic treaty style system put in by the back door. See the excellent article below for a petition to sign about this. Yes, the battle against evil is on-going, and the globalists never sleep it seems.

"Australia's sovereignty and your personal freedoms are under immediate threat. If you thought the successful fight against the Pandemic Treaty meant the globalists would stop with their agenda, think again!

Earlier this year, the Australian Government established the Centre for Disease Control (CDC). This CDC is now poised to enforce the World Health Organization's (WHO) new International Health Regulations (IHRs), which were adopted at the World Health Assembly under dubious legal circumstances.

These new IHRs are as bad as the Pandemic Treaty as they grant the WHO unprecedented power to dictate pandemic responses and health policies in Australia. With the CDC being the key government agency to enforce and roll out the IHRs in Australia, we effectively have a taxpayer-funded Trojan Horse for the WHO, doing their dirty work to undermine both our national sovereignty and your personal health choices and freedom.

How will the CDC undermine sovereignty and freedom? The new IHRs redefine critical aspects of public health governance and empower the WHO to impose mandatory medical procedures, quarantine, and surveillance. The Australian CDC will be the enforcer of these draconian measures.

The new IHRs, that the CDC will enforce and implement in Australia, clearly contain alarming provisions that will severely impact your personal freedoms.

Article 4 designates a "National IHR Authority" (which will be the CDC) to implement these regulations, effectively making the CDC a puppet of the WHO. This means that the CDC will act as the main enforcer of WHO policies in Australia, bypassing our national government and any democratic oversight, essentially becoming the vehicle for WHO's agenda of control.

Article 12 allows the WHO Director-General to declare a "pandemic emergency" based on vague criteria like "substantial social and/or economic disruption." The CDC will then be responsible for implementing the WHO's broad and invasive measures, including forced lockdowns, business closures, and travel restrictions. As the Trojan Horse, the CDC will enforce these mandates, stripping away local decision-making.

Article 27 authorises the isolation and quarantine of conveyances and travellers. The CDC, in conjunction with other government agencies, will have the power to detain and isolate individuals and groups, enforcing quarantine measures without any local accountability. This could lead to widespread detentions and severe restrictions on movement, as the CDC acts on behalf of WHO directives.

Article 31 compels individuals to undergo medical examinations, vaccinations, or other health measures, even under isolation. The CDC, working with other government agencies, will enforce mandatory vaccinations and medical procedures, infringing on personal health choices and bodily autonomy. This coercive power, driven by the WHO's agenda, will strip Australians of their right to refuse medical treatments.

The IHRs mandate compliance with WHO-recommended health measures (Article 24) and introduce digital and non-digital health documents, including vaccination certificates (Articles 35 and 36). The CDC will be responsible for implementing a nationwide system of health surveillance, tracking individuals' health status and movements, and enforcing compliance with WHO health mandates. Acting as the Trojan Horse, the CDC will ensure these invasive measures are executed.

By establishing the CDC, the Australian Government has set up the mechanism through which these oppressive IHRs will be enforced. The CDC will act as the National IHR Authority, implementing WHO mandates without regard for our national sovereignty or individual rights, effectively serving as the Trojan Horse for globalist overreach.

If we fail to act now, the Australian CDC will enforce these globalist health mandates, stripping away your right to make personal health decisions and subjecting our nation to WHO control. This overreach threatens our democratic principles and individual rights.

However, if we succeed in our fight to have the CDC scuttled, we can preserve our autonomy and protect our individual rights... at least until the next globalist attempt at control!

This battle is crucial, and your action is needed now more than ever.

Tell the PM and the Federal Health Minister: Disband the CDC!

Together, we can make a difference. Act now to protect our freedoms and ensure our voices are heard."

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