By John Wayne on Wednesday, 12 July 2023
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

In a Nutshell: The Limits of Vaccine Culture By Brian Simpson

A Midwestern Doctor, at his popular, well-researched blog, gives a concise, non-technical account of why vaccines do not live up to the hype that the medical profession associates with them. Vaccines are often ill-suited to treat the diseases tht they are supposed to. This has now been well-established with the Covid vaxxes, where despite health authorities still proclaiming the mantra of “safe and effective,” data sets show that vaccination campaigns were correlated with an increase in death, and this mortality was also shown to be directly associated with being vaccinated.

Yet, this is not surprising given the widespread vaccine mythology that has come to dominate Big Pharma-controlled Western medicine. The basic philosophy of allopathic/biomedicine, is that disease can be best treated using surgery, drugs, and other aspects of technology. Central to this program is vaccines, which have come to be seen, by the relentless promotion by Big Pharma as magic bullets, generating an easy cure. Yet, the entire picture is incorrect, as studies have shown that diseases such as Smallpox, as the Midwestern doctor has discussed at length, were conquered by improvements in sanitation and nutrition. For Covid, not even much else would have been required beyond protecting vulnerable populations, who would be vulnerable to any flu. But, the opportunity for Big Pharma to produce Big Profits was irresistible. And governments went along for the ride, being under the thumb of Big Pharma and its power.

“Vaccine Mythologies

Our society regards vaccination as the salvation which brought us out of the dark ages of rampant infectious disease. Because of this (inaccurate) mythology, most physicians view vaccines as completely safe and effective. As a result, physicians are typically resistant to considering anything that casts doubt on the merits of vaccination (since doing so would directly challenge their identity as medical doctors), and they have a variety of cognitive blind spots on the issue.

For example, because vaccines are assumed to be safe and effective, doctors will often not even consider a “vaccine-preventable illness” in vaccinated individuals with signs of the illness. This is why outbreaks of diseases like pertussis (few doctors know the vaccine does not prevent pertussis infection or transmission) initially are not recognized in vaccinated populations.

The two fundamental misunderstandings that were pervasive throughout the medical field at the time of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign were as follows:

  1. Vaccination does not guarantee herd immunity. Instead, vaccines typically fail to prevent disease transmission and trigger the evolution of variants that are resistant to the vaccine. As this is a complex subject, it is explained in a longer articlewhere I reviewed how this has occurred with many other vaccinations and the typical patterns of how vaccines fail. In the case of the COVID-19 vaccines, the manufacturers did not even bother to test if the vaccines would prevent transmission and this was well known in 2020 before the vaccines had even hit the market.

Yet the current phase III trials are not actually set up to prove either (table 1). None of the trials currently under way are designed to detect a reduction in any serious outcome such as hospital admissions, use of intensive care, or deaths. Nor are the vaccines being studied to determine whether they can interrupt transmission of the virus.

  1. Every vaccine causes harm—and often in very similar ways. In most cases, the odds a vaccine will cause an injury are significantly greater than the odds a vaccine will prevent an injury of equivalent severity from the disease the vaccine “protects” you against. This is also a complex subject, so it was covered in a previous articleon the relative risks and benefits of each vaccine which was written since many parents asked me which vaccines they needed to opt out of giving to their children (some vaccines are much more dangerous than others).

Because of these, we typically see a similar pattern with vaccination.

Note: In recent decades, pervasive corruption has entered the academic publishing industry, and as a result, a fairly consistent playbook has been developed for concealing the adverse effects observed in clinical trials and making an ineffective drug appear effective. This fraud is relatively easy to recognize (e.g., it’s covered in this book and this book), but unfortunately, the medical journals are financially dependent on the pharmaceutical companies and thus never expose it. For example, when I read the NEJM paper on the COVID-19 vaccine, I had a very good idea of the research fraud that likely occurred due to my familiarity with the horrendous HPV vaccine trials. Because of this, much of the research fraud and gaslighting of injured clinical trial participants I predicted would happen was later confirmed by whistleblowers and participants within the trials.

Note: aggressive marketing of a vaccine over a short period suggests there will be significant issues with the vaccine that thus requires hitting the necessary threshold for mandates before widespread resistance emerges against the vaccine.

Everything we’ve witnessed with the public protest against the COVID-19 vaccines is a deja vú of the smallpox debacle, which serves to illustrate how deeply these patterns are ingrained within our collective psyche.

Note: Recently, The Times published an investigation which at last acknowledged SARS-CoV-2 came from a lab (something exceedingly evident from the very start of the pandemic that we were nonetheless gaslighted and censored over throughout the pandemic). One quote in that article caught my eye:

The investigators believe the Chinese military had taken an interest in developing a vaccine for the viruses so they could be used as potential bioweapons. If a country could inoculate its population against its own secret virus, it might have a weapon to shift the balance of world power.

For context, China's attempts to vaccinate against SARS-CoV-2 were a failure, and to address outbreaks, China had to institute a variety of draconian policies which met widespread resistance from the populace (who actually managed to force China's authoritarian government to back down). This quote is hence noteworthy because it either illustrates China's inability to recognize their faith in vaccination was preventing them from recognizing that strategy could only backfire on them or that the investigator's own blind faith in vaccination led them to assume China's military must have shared that faith as well.

The Flawed COVID-19 Vaccine Design

When the COVID-19 vaccines hit the market, there were a few major issues with them many were not aware of.

First, there were serious questions about if it was realistic to develop a COVID-19 vaccine:

Many of these issues were known within the mainstream vaccinologist community, so even the most extreme vaccine zealots like Peter Hotez (who testified to a Congressional committee) warned there were severe issues with attempting to make this vaccine.

In short, making a safe and effective vaccine in a year bordered on impossible.

Second, there were serious issues with the vaccine design:

Many of the problems we have since encountered with the vaccines are due to the persistence and spread of the mRNA and spike protein throughout the body. You may remember that they were initially promised to only get into the cells of your muscles (excluding where the DNA was) and then rapidly disappear. Since lipid nanoparticles were already known to spread throughout the body and the vaccine mRNA was modified to resist being broken down by the body, it should have been assumed this would happen if there were no data to refute the possibility.

All of this meant that a vaccine based on mass-producing the toxic spike protein in the body was unlikely to be effective and likely to cause harm. As time has passed, we have seen that on an unprecedented scale and discovered a variety of other “unexpected” ways it messed up the immune system. 

Sadly, none of this mattered, and despite our best efforts (e.g., we brought up the least controversial red flags), we could not prevent our colleagues from vaccinating, quite a few of whom are now injured and regret taking the vaccine. Although I’ve seen similar things in the past, it was still almost surreal to observe how effective the marketing campaign for these vaccines was and how many doctors believed they were a modern-day miracle that would end the pandemic.

Because of how badly the vaccines were designed (many of their issues could have easily been avoided, and this should have been apparent to Pfizer’s scientists), many of us have wondered if the vaccines were deliberately designed to fail. Although this seems nonsensical at first, it makes a lot of sense if the goal was to sell as many products as possible, given that there was no accountability for the vaccine’s failures and those failures could be attributed to new variants that needed new boosters.

Note: a longer discussion of why the COVID-19 vaccines could never work can be found here.

Moving The COVID-19 Goal Posts

Moving the goalposts is a metaphor, derived from goal-based sports, that means to change the rule or criterion (goal) of a process or competition while it is still in progress, in such a way that the new goal offers one side an advantage or disadvantage.

Since vaccines inevitably fail to live up to their impossible promises, new reasons must be continually invented to justify pushing them on the population. As you may remember, the COVID-19 vaccines were initially presented as being voluntary (in fact, they were originally marked under a scarcity model with each recipient being privileged to get a vaccine), it was claimed the pandemic would soon be over with the miracles of two dose mRNA vaccines, and not a peep was ever mentioned about the potential need for boosters.

The goalposts were then eventually moved to mandatory vaccinations, the vaccines only reducing your chance of dying, the virus being with us for the foreseeable future, and requiring multiple boosters each year. This reversal was entirely predictable as it followed the playbook already developed with previous vaccinations.

Fortunately, because of how unfeasible the vaccines were and just how aggressively their impossible promises were dishonestly promoted to the population (many of which I cataloged here), a lot of people woke up to the entire scam—especially after a Pfizer representative admitted to Europe’s parliament that they lied about the vaccine preventing transmission (ironically justifying this lie under the fact the unrealistic timeline to produce the vaccine forced them to).

n addition to the meme's accuracy, since it was created, every remaining justification for the COVID-19 vaccines has been demolished. First, numerous datasets have shown that vaccines actually increase one's risk for COVID-19 and that this risk increase as you receive more vaccinations. This was most clearly shown by the Cleveland Clinic's study of 51011 people):

Likewise, more and more datasets have emerged showing vaccination campaigns were correlated with an increase in death:

In some data sets that could show it, this mortality was also shown to be directly associated with being vaccinated.”


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