By John Wayne on Friday, 05 July 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

“I Wouldn't Go Near Them [Vaccines] with a Ten-Foot Barge Pole.” By Mrs Vera West

Jackie Stricker-Phelps, the partner of former Australian Medical Association President Professor Kerryn Phelps, spoke with 7News Australia, about how the Pfizer shot "ruined" her life. She said: "I wouldn't go near them [vaccines] with a ten-foot barge pole." Her side effects were:

• "Within five minutes, my head nearly blew off my body."

• "My face went bright red."

• "My vision was impaired."

• "I couldn't hear."

• "My feet went numb."

• "My hands went numb."

• "I had paraesthesia all over my body."

• "My hair started falling out."

• "I could hardly walk."

• "Neurological, rheumatological" problems.

• "I've had to have a chairlift put into my house because I can't walk up and down stairs anymore."

The mainstream medical profession admit that such side effects occur, but are "rare," and that the prevention of Covid infection far outweighs these adverse effects. But the false premise here is that Covid was a universal threat; it was in fact only a problem for the elderly and immune suppressed, as is even the common cold. The entire population should not have faced the risks of these sorts of adverse effects. That too is to not even get onto the more serious cardiovascular and neurological issues, that have been discussed at the blog in the past few days.

"It seems that the tide is finally turning as a mainstream outlet from Australia is now giving a voice to the vaccine-injured. Jackie Stricker-Phelps, the partner of former Australian Medical Association President Professor Kerryn Phelps, shared her harrowing experience with 7News Australia, revealing that the Pfizer shot "ruined" her life and that she won't be taking a vaccine again.

In fact, she said, "I wouldn't go near them [vaccines] with a ten-foot barge pole."

Jackie didn't stop there. She detailed a series of devastating side effects that have left her life in shambles:

• "Within five minutes, my head nearly blew off my body."

• "My face went bright red"

• "My vision was impaired"

• "I couldn't hear"

• "My feet went numb"

• "My hands went numb"

• "I had paresthesia all over my body"

• "My hair started falling out"

• "I could hardly walk"

• "Neurological, rheumatological" problems

• "I've had to have a chairlift put into my house because I can't walk up and down stairs anymore."

Jackie's testimony was not only powerful but also a turning point. On a mainstream media platform, public health "experts" present in the studio had to bear witness to the devastating side effects of the shots they promoted.

Jackie, who had previously suffered from anaphylaxis to foods, was extremely cautious and went to the hospital for the vaccine, fearing a severe reaction. Unfortunately, her fears were realized in the most alarming way possible." 

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