By John Wayne on Friday, 06 September 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Harris Defends Big Tech Censorship, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is another indication of the direction that a Kamala Harris presidency will take, and have no doubt, that she will be elected no matter how much electoral fraud will be needed, given the utter weakness of Republicans to take measures to prevent any of this. Never once has Trump said at a speech that he calls on everyone there to man polling stations in the thousands to make sure that the counting is not suspended and bags of fraud votes brought in. I recall the photos of old weak scrutineers from the Republicans being tossed out of polling booths to enable the fraud to occur. Pathetic; where are the MAGA soldiers and police at the counting stations? Home eating cheese burgers and drinking beer?

In any case, get ready for the end of free speech in the US, and it will spread like the plague to the rest of the West, including Australia. This will be the continuation of business as usual in getting Big Tech to censor speech contrary to their regime, as was done with pressure that was put on Zuckerberg's Meta, as Zuckerberg stated in his letter to the House Judiciary Committee. The Biden regime responded to Zuckerberg's confession by saying that censorship was justified. And by implication, they will do it again, and more. That will be replicated across the world, including Australia.

"The Biden-Harris White House looks determined to justify and normalize the practice of the government colluding with private companies, in this instance Big Tech, to censor speech.

After Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Monday sent a letter to the House Judiciary Committee, admitting that his company came under pressure from the current administration to conduct censorship and that he "believes" that was wrong – the White House doubled down on the controversial, and quite possibly, unconstitutional, policy.

In his letter, Zuckerberg chose to focus on Meta censoring content related to COVID-19, and in response, a White House spokesman revealed the government does not share Zuckerberg's stance that the policy of pressure was wrong.

"Encouragement" is how that's phrased. "When confronted with a deadly pandemic, this administration encouraged responsible actions to protect public health and safety," stated the White House spokesman to media requests.

He further justified the actions described by Zuckerberg as needed because the White House believes private companies, including those from the tech industry, "should take into account the effects their actions have on the American people."

And with the stage set in this way – the spokesman concluded that these companies are then free to make "independent choices about the information they present."

But Zuckerberg's letter to the Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan does a pretty good job of explaining how these "independent choices" get made. Senior figures from the Biden administration, Zuckerberg stated, in 2021 "repeatedly pressured our (Facebook, Instagram) teams for months to censor certain COVID-19 content, including humor and satire."

The decision on content removal, and introduction of new rules into platform policies to facilitate censorship, Zuckerberg concedes, was "ultimately ours" – but made under pressure.

If Meta tried to defy these "suggestions" – the administration showed "a lot of frustration."

"I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it," the letter, sent in response to the Committee's subpoena first issued in early 2023, reads.

The Committee has been investigating how the government may have colluded with private companies to suppress speech it disapproves of, and whether those actions constitute First Amendment violations.

Even before the current Biden-Harris administration came to power, Facebook was being steered in a desired direction, one example being the notorious case of the censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop news story, the Zuckerberg letter reveals.

The FBI contacted the social media giant with a "warning" that there could be an anti-Biden family "Russian disinformation" campaign – and Facebook heeded it by "fact-checking and temporarily demoting (links to the article)." 

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