By Joseph on Saturday, 20 February 2021
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Green Power? Does it Exist? By James Reed


The US Winter is extra cold, and to make matters worse, power outrages are occurring across the country, with the regularity of electoral fraud ands corruption. It is natural for things not to work in banana republics like the US, but there is the fingerprints of climate change mania and green energy over everything too. What a mess!

“The Great Reset is continuing apace and every sign that austerity is in the cards for the Western world is flashing. The recent winter weather is just one more example of how the formerly richest country in the world is now lowering itself to third world standards and doing so all on the altar of climate change. Of course, that isn’t openly stated. But the growing race from tried and true methods of power in favor of “green” energy is beginning to show the signs of degradation of America’s infrastructure.

A huge swath of the country is experiencing rolling power outages.

For instance, we are now witnessing intentional and planned power outages effecting tens of thousands of residents simply because the weather has gotten colder and power companies need ways to “preserve the power grid.” We saw rolling power outages in California when PG&E didn’t want to be blamed for more wildfires, and now the trend is spreading.

Take a look at what happened in Nebraska when Omaha Public Power District announced planned outages on the morning of February 16. Nebraska Public Power said they were also informed by Southwest Power Pool that they had to implement emergency coordinated interruptions of service also. Many of the rotating outages began with no warning to customers.

“Officials” are claiming the outages are happening because there is not enough power available to keep up with customer demand.

But why is there suddenly not enough supply? According to the CEO of OPPD, Tim Burke, there is a lack of wind. In other words, OPPD is relying on wind power and, even during a winter storm, there is not enough wind to provide power to residents.

OPPD asked customers to add blankets, dress warmer, and lower their thermostats in order to help conserve electricity.

This is going to be good advice as America moves closer toward utilizing disproven technologies like wind to provide power to vast swaths of the country.

The same thing happened in Texas where many residents have been without power for 24 hours.

It’s interesting that the warmest places are cars and trucks. After all, they are powered by evil fossil fuels while the homes they are parked in front of sit dark, due to frozen wind turbines.

“Frozen wind turbines and limited gas supplies have hampered the ability to generate enough power, according to a statement from ERCOT,” CNN reported.

In the age of virtue signaling and woke capitalism, even the red state of Texas is moving in the direction of California. While Texas has always been known for its huge petroleum and natural gas resources, it is the lack of wind power that is currently bringing the state to its knees. The exact same thing happened in California in 2020 when wind and solar could not keep up with demand during record heat.

But the move toward “green” forms of energy for total supply of power to the population is not merely some foolish attempt at environmental friendliness that will be realized and abandoned in a few years. It is a part of a much bigger agenda.”

When we neater a Mad Max world, don’t forget to thank the Greenies!

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