By John Wayne on Saturday, 18 January 2025
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Government Censorship Even Greater than Previously Thought, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Court documents in the case of Missouri v Biden: have revealed that US government censorship involving the internet and social media, began during the Obama presidency, and continued, and accelerated during the Covid plandemic, and continues today. America First's lawsuit has uncovered from litigation against the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS):

The internal CISA CFITF report from 2020 marked "FOUO//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY" begins by stating that Dr. Anthony Fauci "guessed it will probably require 50% to 75% of the population to be immune before achieving herd immunity," but "continued COVID-19 focused anti-vaccination misinformation … threatens the U.S.'s capacity to reach the inoculation threshold required to achieve herd immunity to COVID-19."

Censorship about Covid then was right from the beginning and intensified as the lockdowns were rolled out. Even more revealing is while the authorities were supposedly clamping down on misinformation, they were producing masses of it themselves:

"America First Legal litigation against the State Department and a DHS subagency called Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) uncovered documents released Dec. 19. They show government employees pumped public communications channels with false information while claiming to do the opposite.

The documents show federal agencies pressuring communications monopolies to hide arguments with substantial backing, such as that fabric masks do not stop viruses and Covid-19 bears marks of human engineering. The Federalist traffic was throttled for publishing accurate discussions of mask research and for objecting immediately to nationwide lockdowns.

The documents also show that in the name of combatting "foreign disinformation," the federally activated censorship apparatus spread foreign misinformation — such as that Covid-19 certainly didn't originate in a lab. The documents also claim that a "core narrative[] used by the pro-Kremlin disinformation network" is the concept of "The Elites vs. The People." This archetype has, in fact, existed for thousands of years (see: The 30 Tyrants, Coriolanus, and the Gracchi). The documents also show federal agencies relying on a known purveyor of fake data, a government manipulation operation known as Hamilton 2.0 or Hamilton 68."

Slowly but surely the evils of the Deep State and globalist psy op are being revealed. They hoped that people would just let it go and get on with their lives, but so many lives have ben wrecked by these elites, that justice must be done.

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