By John Wayne on Tuesday, 27 June 2023
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

George Christensen on the Shocking UK Covid Death Statistics of the Triple Vaxxed By Brian Simpson

Great coverage of the alarming death toll the Covid vaxxes are still raking up, by George Christensen.  George quotes official government data found here:


The data indicates that 92 percent of all Covid-19 deaths in the UK occurred in the triple vaxxed! That is incredible. The propaganda surrounding the mRNA vaxxes was, and still is, that they are safe and effective, but that is simply impossible for sane people to believe when one has statistics like this. George is not exaggerating in saying that what we are seeing is one of the worst crimes ever committed against humanity as a whole. Billions of people could now be ticking biological time bombs; we don’t know; they don’t know.


“Recently, a new bombshell report published by the UK government revealed that 92 % of all COVID-19 deaths in 2022 occurred among the triple ‘vaccinated’.

Even among non-COVID-19 deaths, mortality rates were highest among the triple ‘vaccinated’, as much as 30 times higher compared to the ‘unvaccinated’.

And among the triple-jabbed group, mortality rates seem to rapidly pick up after three weeks following their last dose.

This is an indicator of the fact that the ‘vaccine’ works in killing us by proxy by compromising our autoimmune system, resulting in a higher risk of getting autoimmune-related diseases.

The data also shows that mortality rates among the ‘vaccinated’ have grown significantly over time.

For instance, in the June of 2021, there were 30,453 deaths per 100,000 people among the ‘vaccinated’ compared to just 2,385 per 100,000 among the ‘unvaccinated’.

By June of 2022, this already massive difference grew by 43.71%.

Some 34,414 deaths per 100,000 people among the ‘vaccinated’ were recorded compared to just 1,342 per 100,000 among the ‘unvaccinated’.

The data is right before you.

Now tell me that mRNA ‘vaccines’ were safe and effective.

Well, they have been effective, but for something else rather than preventing transmission of COVID-19!

Why would the elites, who basically see us as livestock to brutally exploit, and who never fail to take advantage of an opportunity to further impose oppressive laws, ever think in terms of our welfare?

We are witnessing the execution of their Agenda 2030; the weakening and destabilisation of nation-states through rapid de-population and mass migration.

The ‘elites’ have rubbed it right on our face their plans for a one-world government.

The only question remains: are we going to sit ideally by while they orchestrate the destruction of our society?”

No, we cannot let it end this way.

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