By Joseph on Wednesday, 09 February 2022
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Fully Vaccinated is an Ever-Expanding Concept By Chris Knight (Florida)

Trump thought that the solution to the Covid issue was simple, that a fine vax would be produced, there would be one shot, and everybody could get back to capitalism, a Trumpish fairy-tale. But, the Covid plandemic was anything but that, with lockdowns destroying small businesses, while the big guys like Amazon pulled in record profits. And, apart from the adverse effects from the vaccines, which Trump the eternally deceived has dismissed to his shame, there is the question of the ever-expanding definition of being “fully vaxxed.” That means three shots now, but could expand to four. Once the new Omicron vax is available, even thought most people would have had Omicron, and acquired natural immunity, the drive will be on to make more profits for the Masters of the Universe, Big pHARMa. It is enough to make one march in the streets, or get in one’s big truck, and go nowhere.

“The official definition for “fully vaccinated” is changing to include a third Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injection.

In her announcement, Rochelle Walensky, head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), revealed that people who do not get every single booster shot from the government will no longer be considered “up to date” on their vaccinations.

This means that Americans will now need at least three injections – and likely an entire lifetime of them – in order to stay in compliance with the government’s ever-shifting definition of “fully vaccinated.”

“What we are really working to do is pivot our language so that everyone is as up to date with their COVID-19 vaccines as they personally could be, should be based on when they got their last vaccine,” Walensky said.

“So, importantly right now we are pivoting our language, we really want to make sure people are up to date.”

Walensky had earlier promised that the definition of fully vaccinated was never going to change to include booster shots. It turns out that she lied, as government officials often do.

Covid shots: massive profits and mass depopulation in one fell swoop

While Walensky insists that the change is only meant to make U.S. policy “consistent with how public health has historically viewed or even talked about how we recommend vaccines,” it is obvious that this will not be the case.

Instead, government agencies will likely try to use the new “up to date” CDC policy to force people into taking at least three injections in order to keep their “vaccine passports” fully up to date.

The CDC, in fact, is already aggressively pushing the third booster as if it is a normal part of the fully vaccinated regimen. Having just two shots, in other words, is no longer enough.

“These reports add more evidence to the importance of being up to date with [COVID-19] vaccinations,” Walensky said. “That means getting your primary series and getting boosted when eligible to protect against severe COVID-19.”

“There are still millions of people who are eligible for a booster dose and have not yet received one. As we continue to face the omicron variant representing over 99 percent of infections in the United States today, I urge all who are eligible to get their booster shot to get it as soon as possible.”

Part of it is about generating more profits for the pharmaceutical industry, which has generated billions upon billions of dollars since the start of the plandemic. The other part is about eugenics and depopulation.

“We have to make sure everybody gets their full dosage of the poison so we can reduce our surplus population,” wrote someone at the Daily Exposé about what the government is really saying with its booster shot push.

“We don’t care if the economy collapses in the meantime, and we are ready to go to war against Russia to introduce a quicker method of population reduction.”

Someone else wrote that he is sick and tired of all this vaccine nonsense, seeing as how there are safe and effective cures like ivermectin already readily available to the public – if only the government would let people access them.

“Search for c19ivermectin on your search engine,” wrote another person, referring to the website.

“On that website you will find as of right now there are 142 studies. 93 of them are peer reviewed about curing covid19 with ivermectin. These are undeniable evidences.”

Of course, no medical advice is offered by us. Personally I am a naturasl immunity type of guy, who believes that one should reach out and embrace diseases, like a lover, with natural imunity being like a gym workout. NO PAIN, NO GAIN. That’s my view only, and some people would prefer to have 50,000 jabs, which is their choice.

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