By John Wayne on Monday, 01 April 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Fighting Back Against the New World Order By Chris Knight (Florida)

While the news coverage is disturbing about the advances the globalists have recently made with the creation of their dystopian technocratic New World Order, there is some positive news of a fight back, only the mainstream media, fully under globalist control via ownership, has not mentioned it; hence one turns to Twitter/X.

The Senate in the US state of Louisiana has voted to ban all rules and mandates of the World Health Organization (WHO), UN and World Economic Forum from enforcement.This is a very good start to fighting back against the globalists. It means that regarding the World Health Organization pandemic treaty, if enough states cooperated - and it is possible Republican states will do his at some point - the pandemic treaty could slowly be broken down. The WHO wants this treaty and the International Health Regulations, signed, sealed and delivered by May this year, so time for resistance is very short.

This is MASSIVE The WEF agenda could be BANNED from this U.S state! The senate in the state of Louisiana just voted to ban all rules and mandates from the WHO, WEF and the UN from being enforced. This is absolutely massive news - And you did not hear about this on the mainstream media. Louisiana's senate just unanimously voted to pass a bill that will ban any rules and mandates from the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum and the UN from being enforced in the state. Really weird that nobody in the mainstream media is talking about this...perhaps they do not want anybody knowing about it since they are part of the same agenda? Let's take a look at the text in the bill that was just passed. "The World Health Organization, United Nations and the World Economic Forum shall have no jurisdiction or power within the state of Louisiana. No rule, regulation, fee, tax, policy or mandate of any kind of the World Health Organization, United Nations and the World Economic Forum shall be enforced or implemented by the state of Lousiana or any agency, department, board, commission, political subdivision, governmental entity of the state, parish, municipality, or any other political entity". So there we have it. This should mean that they are rejecting the UN Agenda 2030 for example. The WHO pandemic treaty that is being worked on right now also won't have any power in the state. Did you know that Bill Gates recently donated a whopping $1.27 BILLION towards funding the UN Agenda 2030 "Global Goals"? Paid subscribers can read all about it in my in-depth article. The bill still needs to pass the house and the Governor. If that happens then we have seen something truly historic. A state standing up and saying NO to the WEF agenda. A state standing up and saying NO to Agenda 2030. A state standing up and saying NO to the WHO pandemic treaty. Will more states and possibly countries follow suit? Again, I've searched the internet and I cannot find any mainstream news outlet that is reporting on this massive news. Please SHARE - The media is ignoring this.

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