By John Wayne on Wednesday, 15 May 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

FBI Agents Tampered with Trump Case Evidence, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It has now come out, that during the raid on president trump's residence at Mar-a-Lago, the invading FBI agents tampered with the evidence by placing "cover sheets" over the alleged classified documents. This was done to inflate the importance of the documents. Thus, evidence planting occurred. If the rule of law was operating, this should result in the whole case being thrown out, but at present, it is being put on the back burner.

Clearly, as part of Trump's swamp clearing, he needs to close down the FBI, among other Deep State organisations.

"It doesn't matter whether you hate or love Donald Trump. What's being done to the former president by our government should disturb every single American.

Reports have revealed that FBI agents placed "cover sheets" onto allegedly classified documents found during its raid of Mar-a-Lago in order to make the photo they took of the documents far scarier.

The cover sheets indicated the highest levels of secrecy — and without question, the media then fell right in line and used the doctored evidence to slam Trump.

"This is never done," Glenn Beck says, shocked.

Now, the federal judge presiding over Trump's classified documents trial has delayed the trial indefinitely.

"They have postponed the document trial because they've said, 'There are too many things here that don't add up, there are too many things the FBI did that they never did nor should they have ever thought of doing,'" Glenn says, adding, "That is at best propaganda."

Meanwhile, our envoy to Iran, Robert Malley, lost his top secret security clearance. According to whistleblowers, he allegedly transferred classified documents to his personal email account, downloaded the documents to his personal cell phone, and someone received them.

It's now believed that a hostile cyber actor was able to gain access to those documents via his email and phone and obtained top secret information.

"These allegations have a substantial impact on our national security, and people should be held accountable, swiftly and strongly. But we're not doing anything about him, we just downgraded his security clearance," Glenn says.

"Are you kidding me? This guy is a spy for the Iranians. You're trying Donald Trump, and you are using propaganda techniques to hype it up, and this guy, you won't even tell the American people what we did," he adds."

Independent investigative reporter Julie Kelly is unraveling the nuances of US vs. Donald J. Trump (FLSD 9:23-cr-80101-AMC), Special Counsel Jack Smith's espionage and unlawful possession of classified documents indictment against Donald Trump (here) (aka, the case about the DOJ and FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago). New revelations about the raid on Mar-a-Lago are exposing the Deep State's corruption.

It appears that the Deep State is embroiled in an ongoing RICO criminal conspiracy that began with interference in the 2016 election to block Trump. It then became sabotage to unseat Trump and then to prevent his reelection (i.e., the false Russian Collusion narrative and the lies about Hunter's laptop). Now, in 2024, it's lawfare, whether in Florida, Georgia, or New York.

The raid on Mar-a-Lago is only the tip of the iceberg of Deep State criminality. A cadre of domestic and foreign enemies engaged in, aided, and abetted this coup. The Biden and Clinton crime families have for decades conspired with both foreign and domestic enemies to gain wealth and power at the expense of America's national security interests and the American people's well-being and democratic rights.

Now, to hide this criminality, the Biden administration, via the DOJ and FBI, is using lawfare, malicious and selective prosecution, and vexatious civil litigation to target Trump (see, e.g., here). Trump's criminal cases, in chief, lack merit, use convoluted stretches of the law, and are not based on legally wrongful acts.

US District Court Judge Aileen Cannon is standing in the breach against the Deep State. Cannon, whose mother escaped from Cuba, understands more than most the dangers of an unrestrained totalitarian government. That may explain why she is single-handedly holding the DOJ and FBI accountable to the people and the US Constitution after their reign of Stasi-style "justice." The DOJ and FBI have run amok and gone full Stasi in support of the fascist Biden Administration.

Daily, new revelations emerge about the improprieties of Special Counsel Jack Smith and his associates in the Mar-a-Lago case (e.g., most recently, manipulated evidence). This Mar-a-Lago case has all the hallmarks of a trial searching for a crime. This case and the other indictments were closely coordinated with the White House and have more to do with keeping Trump tied up in court until the 2024 election than any legitimate prosecution. IMO, also to conceal the nefarious actions of the coup.

Julie Kelly reports that the Mar-a-Lago investigation was run out of the FBI's field office in DC and the J6 case against Trump. (I suspect that was where the brainstorming went on to entrap Trump and the J6 defendants, a treatment not meted out to Antifa and BLM rioters.) Steven DiAntuono, former head of the Detroit FBI Office that ran then Governor Whitmer's kidnapping entrapment hoax, headed the D.C. field office. The FBI Agent who wrote the Mar-a-Lago search warrant affidavit is from the DC field office.

Jay Bratt, who was originally in charge of Trump's classified documents investigation and now Jack Smith's lead counsel, was also the DOJ's Department's chief for Counterintelligence and Export Control. Bratt was one of the original Crossfire Hurricane investigators (The Russian Collusion narrative). Special Counsel Jack Smith is no angel and has previously engaged in unethical conduct.

Judge Cannon who has now taken the Mar-a-Lago trial entirely off the calendar, is pushing Smith out over his skis to expose all the nefarious things he and others did. I give her great credit for having the spine to buck the power of the inner circle of the Deep State. After all, the US Court of Appeals had already reversed her for ordering a special master to examine the materials the FBI seized from Mar-a-Lago.

During my law enforcement career as a police detective in a large metropolitan Southern California city, I reviewed and filed hundreds of criminal cases. I also wrote hundreds of search warrant affidavits that were signed by superior court judges that I served and later assisted in prosecuting. If I were Smith and wanted to appear ethical, I would have sought an order for a special master to accompany the raid.

Judge Cannon also recently ordered the DOJ to release the minimally redacted search warrant affidavit for the Mar-a-Lago raid, along with other documents, and she ordered defendants' motions for dismissal by the defendants to be unsealed over Jack Smith's objections (docs here). Classification or sealing of documents can't be used to conceal or cover for illegal or embarrassing governmental acts.

Based on newly released information, here's how I assess the Mar-a-Lago raid:

The Mar-a-Lago search warrant is overly broad regarding the items to be searched for, i.e., Presidential Records during his term of office.

The raid on Mar-a-Lago wasn't an ordinary search warrant but was, instead, a pretextual and dual-purpose one. The purpose was to intimidate anyone who would dare oppose the Deep State, to disqualify Trump in the 2024 election, and to recover incriminating evidence Trump possessed against the RICO conspiracy coup, i.e., the FBI and CIA binder on the Russian Collusion narrative, related material and perhaps information related to the murder of Seth Rich. A safecracker was brought to open Trump's office safe but was not mentioned in the affidavit. See the post by @Amuse.

The big glaring hole in the affidavit glosses over and disparages a president's legal right to declassify the material at will, like waving a wand over the boxes, as Kash Patel said (here). Instead, it focuses on moving boxes, which goes to the obstruction charge but is superfluous to establish probable cause for the main crimes.

There's no indication that Trump, as the constitutionally elected president, doesn't have to abide by prior president's orders or, on national security matters, acts of Congress.

Did the DOJ and FBI judge shop to get a sympathetic judge? The FBI waited for US Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart to be the duty judge. Reinhart should have recused himself because of his prior recusal in a Trump matter.

Did the FBI roll Magistrate Reinhart by playing to his ego to play with the "big boys" from DC? Did Reinhart read the affidavit thoroughly or seek the guidance of an Art III judge?

Did the DOJ and FBI mislead the magistrate by summarily listing the alleged crimes committed without saying that a sitting president is categorically exempt from classification laws? Defense counsel sent a comprehensive letter [Exhibit 1 to Affidavit] outlining the law and requested that it be incorporated in any filings.

Was the magistrate misled as to the dual purpose nature of this warrant?

The photos leaked from MAL looked staged.

The FBI and DOJ admitted items were seized outside the warrant's scope—the passports and privileged records—and that the taint team hoovered them up without due care. The FBI uses taint teams, but I lack confidence in their ability to serve as impartial arbitrators for the court.

As reported by Julie Kelly, in a recent filing, Jack Smith admitted mishandling of evidence. Also, Six pallets of boxes removed by the GAO from the White House were held for a number of months before being sent to MAL. Could they have been salted with classified documents?" 

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