By Super User on Saturday, 19 November 2016
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Facing Up to China’s “Real Ambitions” by James Reed

The issue of Chinese domination has taken a back seat to other issues, but let us revive the issue.
There was “alarm” by the US about the influence of China in Australian politics, and US ambassador John Berry said, noting that foreign donations were illegal in America: “It is an entirely different matter when the government of China is able to directly funnel funds to political candidates to advance their national interests in your national campaign. That, to us, is of concern. We cannot conceive of a case where a foreign donation from any government, friend or foe, would be considered legitimate in terms of that democracy.” (The Australian, September 14, 2016, p. 1)

Previous to that, an article at, August 30, 2016, reported on the Briefing Book given to all senators and members by the Parliamentary Library, pointing out that “Beijing’s plan to spend billions on infrastructure projects in the region, including in northern Australia, (is) an attempt to gain a strategic advantage and validate its claims over disputed waters in the South China Sea.”
Our Asianised, politically correct, foreign investment-drunk politicians do not appear to be listening to these words of warning.  Time for an Australian version of Donald Trump, only much stronger and cleaner living.

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