By John Wayne on Tuesday, 23 July 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Don’t Fly a Kite When You Can fly a Drone, in Prep for Assassinations! By Charles Taylor

Here is another gem to add to the Trump assassination file. Not only was Crooks free to roam with a rifle range finder, and was able to get up on the police shed with an AR 15 that somehow got into the venue past security weapons checks, but it has been revealed that Crooks even had a drone that he flew over the venue to access information about the site!

It impossible in my opinion with the mountain of evidence that has piled up in the past week, not to see the Trump assassination as a Deep State inside job. The fine details are not yet known, but like the Covid-19 lab leak hypothesis, further truths will seep out over time. And we are only in week two so far!

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