By Joseph on Monday, 20 September 2021
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Do as We Say, Not as We Do, as We Rule, You Obey By Chris Knight (Florida)

This one should be of interest to Australians, as an example of the sort of government hypocrisy that the Covid plandemic has produced, where the elites simply do not obey their own mandates, such as wearing masks or social distancing. But this one is a wider policy issue.  Biden, after declaring that employers with over  100 employees must ensure that all are vaccinated, and for federal employees as well, he said that  this mandate does not apply to members of Congress or those who work for Congress or the federal court system. But, if Covid is so utterly serious, then why should they be exempt? Clearly, there is no logical or moral reason, so it is political. It is a case of one rule for the ruled, and no rule for the ruling elites.

“President Joe Biden's new vaccine mandates for federal employees don't apply to members of Congress or those who work for Congress or the federal court system.

Biden issued two executive orders on Thursday requiring vaccination against COVID for federal workers and contractors who work for the federal government. He also asked the Department of Labor to issue an emergency order requiring businesses with more than 100 employees to ensure their workers are vaccinated or tested on a weekly basis.

However, Biden's order on federal workers applies to employees of the executive branch. The House of Representatives and the Senate belong to the separate legislative branch, and the courts to the judicial branch of the federal government.

Joe Biden's Employee Vaccine Rule Means 98 Percent of Companies Unaffected

Biden's COVID action plan - "Path Out of the Pandemic" - published on the White House website makes the effect of the vaccine mandate clear.

The plan says: "Building on the President's announcement in July to strengthen safety requirements for unvaccinated federal workers, the President has signed an Executive Order to take those actions a step further and require all federal executive branch workers to be vaccinated."

"The President also signed an Executive Order directing that this standard be extended to employees of contractors that do business with the federal government," the plan goes on.

"As part of this effort, the Department of Defense, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Indian Health Service, and the National Institute of Health will complete implementation of their previously announced vaccination requirements that cover 2.5 million people."”

Report on the UK Vaccine Passports

By Richard Miller (London)


I reported last week that the UK government had dropped the idea of the vaccine passport, only to find that just one day later, the idea was picked up again. So, it is not going away. For information purposes, here is a mainstream media summary of the present state of play. For a start, you will need to be fully vaccinated to get into nightclubs. Who cares, you might say. Well, it is, as usual the thin edge of a mighty thick wedge. Notice as well in the report from, how in contesting one person’s decision not to be vaxed due to adverse effects, these adverse effects are claimed to be “extremely rare,” which is not defined. Dr Mercola argued that if this was any other vaccine other than Covid, the present deaths and adverse effects would have led to it being quickly withdrawn. But, this is a political vaccine.

“Covid made 2020 one of the worst years ever to be a uni student, so many can't wait to get back to normal when the new term starts - but it's going to be less fun if you've not had a Covid jab.

From next month you'll only get into nightclubs in England and Scotland if you can prove you're fully vaccinated.

The aim of vaccine passports is to reduce Covid cases and avoid lockdowns.

But some people are angry about the rule, with one student saying it makes her even more reluctant to get a jab.

"When I turned 18 I went to one or two clubs with my friends and then Covid hit," Sharnie May Crooks tells Newsbeat.

"Now I'm 19, I'm going to be 20 in November - it's nearly two years of clubbing that I've just never had the chance to experience and now with vaccine passports it doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon."

'Too extreme'

Sharnie's been working as a bartender and customer services assistant to make some extra cash before starting her second year studying psychology at the University of Warwick.

She says she'd "happily" take lateral flow tests to prove she's not carrying the virus ahead of big nights out, as we've all had to at gigs and festivals this summer.

But the idea of vaccine passports is "outrageous, preposterous" and "too far to the extreme".

"A vaccine should be a personal choice, and if you're restricting me from doing things, that's pushing me further away from making that decision because you're removing choice from it."

Sharnie doesn't plan on getting the vaccine for at least a couple of years, because she's concerned about the possibility of unknown long-term effects.

Scientists have repeatedly said the serious complications of Covid itself are a far greater risk to people than vaccines. The vaccines approved for use in the UK have met strict safety standards and reports of serious side-effects are very rare.

Sharnie says she's not going to change her mind, so freshers' week is "not going to be as exciting as I would have hoped" as a result of vaccine passports.

But she's "definitely not going to be sitting at home" while her peers have fun at uni - and says it's likely she'll end up going to illegal raves instead of legitimate clubs.

She says lots of her friends feel the same way and thinks an increase in the number of illegal raves will be a consequence of vaccine passports that the government hasn't considered.

"Staying at home, not partying, is definitely just not an option," she says.

Annie is 21 and we've agreed not to use her surname. She's also against the idea of vaccine passports - but for very different reasons.

When Annie was 14 she overdosed on paracetamol in an attempt to take her own life. After that she had a "bit of a fear of taking medication" but when the UK went into lockdown in March last year, the fear developed into severe anxiety and panic attacks about medicine.

"Some panic attacks get to the point where I have to lie in bed and just not move because I can't breathe. I think I'm going to die, I think the side-effects are going to kill me. Obviously that's not going to happen but that's how it makes me feel."

At the moment Annie's anxiety is so bad that she can't take any medication - including any vaccines.


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