By John Wayne on Monday, 21 October 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Deaths in Western Australia After the Vax, Increase Sevenfold! By Brian Simpson

This has not been reported in the mainstream news, surprise, surprise. Since the rollout of the Covid vax, in largely pro-vax, pro-lockdown Western Australia, which returned its lockdown premier, as did Victoria, deaths have increased sevenfold since the Covid mRNA vax rollout. That statistic came out at the October 11 meeting of the Port Hedland Town Council. One councillor said that the town has gone since the vax rollout from one funeral a week, to one a day, which in a small town is astonishing. A new cold body storage facility to accommodate the increase in deaths had to be built. That councillor said: "My own company GBTK here in [Port] Hedland has just finished the construction of a cold body storage facility. Since when did Port Hedland need to have extra cold body storage facilities?"

"I spoke with the company owners who we built it for, [a] local funeral director. They told me that in 2020, at the height of COVID-19, they were doing on average one funeral a week – one. [But] since the injection rollout, they're doing over one funeral a day. That's almost a sevenfold increase; it's frightening."

A motion to immediately suspend the use of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna was passed, and as well a message to be sent to the prime minister and other councils and health care authorities. It is a small step but a good one, showing that people need to work at the grass roots for ultimate Covid justice.

"Deaths in the state of Western Australia in the Land Down Under have reportedly increased sevenfold after the rollout of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.

This shocking revelation came to light during an Oct. 11 meeting of the Port Hedland Town Council. The said meeting was called by three councilors of the Western Australian town: Lorraine Butson, Camilo Blanco and Adrian McRae. The third councillor also owns the construction company GBTK, which is based in Port Hedland.

According to McRae, the town has gone from one funeral a week to more than one funeral a day since the COVID-19 injections were rolled out. Port Hedland has had to build a new cold body storage facility to accommodate the increase in deaths, he added.

McRae remarked during the meeting: "My own company GBTK here in [Port] Hedland has just finished the construction of a cold body storage facility. Since when did Port Hedland need to have extra cold body storage facilities?"

"I spoke with the company owners who we built it for, [a] local funeral director. They told me that in 2020, at the height of COVID-19, they were doing on average one funeral a week – one. [But] since the injection rollout, they're doing over one funeral a day. That's almost a sevenfold increase; it's frightening."

McRae also touched on the COVID-19 injections being contaminated with synthetic DNA, in particular the cancer-causing simian virus 40 (SV40).

"What happens when someone receives billions of these SV40 fragments in a single shot? What happens when these contaminated shots are administered multiple times as they have been to millions of Australians, including Australian children?"

Port Hedland Council suspends mRNA injections from Pfizer and Moderna

According to the Daily Expose, the Oct. 11 meeting sought to bring forward a motion to immediately suspend the use of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna. The council passed the motion in a 5-2 vote on the same day.

Aside from the suspension, the motion also called for Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to be notified of the matter. It also called to inform healthcare professionals about the findings related to the vaccines and ensure that both medical practitioners and the general public are adequately informed, paving the way for informed consent regarding vaccination.

Findings by Canadian molecular virologist and epidemiologist Dr. David Speicher, which were supported by letters from Australian lawmaker Russell Broadbent, formed the basis of the motion. According to Speicher, SV40 DNA sequences were identified in the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 injections.

"His report raises concerns about this DNA contamination due to SV40's potential association with cancer-causing properties, which have been studied since it was first found in contaminated polio vaccines in the 1950s and 1960s," the Expose continued.

Moreover, the motion urged the council to send the findings to all local governments in Western Australia and encourage them to take action. Port Hedland's chief executive is also tasked with sending a letter to Western Australia Health Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson and Federal Health Minister Mark Butler. The letters to the two health officials sought public responses to the claims of alleged DNA contamination in Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 injections." 

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