By Super User on Monday, 27 November 2017
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Death by Social Media By Brian Simpson

     We knew that there was something terrible that was going to come from the IT/communication revolution.  Humans, because of original sin, just don’t get it right, and always overdo things, even if the elites are not working away to destroy them, which, of course, they are:

“Besides smartphones being dangerous to our physical health, smartphones also have the capacity to vegetate our minds. These electronic devices give us access to the Internet, which then expose us to platforms that use up all our time and consciousness. While the Internet gives us access to vital and useful information on anything we could ever think of, it is also most likely the beginning of the end for human independence (from technology).

Sebastian Junger, an American journalist, author, and anthropologist, discusses the issue on a podcast with podcast host and stand-up comedian Joe Rogan. In his interview, Junger conveyed his disapproval of social media, especially the amount of time people spend staring at their handheld gadgets. He related the rise of the information age to the majority of the population becoming anti-social, unhappy, and anxious.  Negative events, such as increases in mass shootings, diagnosis of depression, anxiety, and reports of suicide are his examples of the downsides of this tech craze.
Junger is known for his coverage of the war on terror in Afghanistan. He also published a book titled  War, and even directed an acclaimed documentary, Restrepo.

These technologies that supposedly connect people all around the world are turning out to be detriments to the society as a whole, he says. People no longer take the time to experience life as it is, and instead, take to the Internet and do nothing but “like” and “comment”.  Teenagers’ mental health is also greatly affected by this.  Adolescence is the time when we start becoming painfully aware of our surroundings, including other peers’ opinions.  These teenage anxieties, which have existed long before personal computers, are inflamed by these online social platforms. News and other multimedia companies take advantage of online advertisement, promoting their beliefs on how the world should be, creating confusion and chaos among the individuals who patronize these systems.”

     In short, the devises are frying kids brains, rewiring brain circuits to dumb them down, and making them into virtual robots. Now, I don’t think that the elites knew absolutely all of this before making these Satanic devices, but they seem to have infinite luck so far in their plan to destroy everything good and holy.  I long for the day when they come unstuck, even if that is only Judgement Day.

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