By John Wayne on Tuesday, 15 August 2023
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Covid Vaxxes and Sudden Death: From a Leading Medical Journal Now! By Brian Simpson

Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice (1596): "Truth will come to light; murder cannot be hid long; a man's son may, but in the end truth will out." This outing of the truth is slow in coming with the Covid plandemic and scamdemic, but there is now some academic comments that seem to support the position of critics such as Dr Robert Malone.

For example, the “Guest Editorial: Negative Evidence: COVID-19 Vaccines and Sudden Deaths,” Jane M. Orient, M.D., Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 28 Number 2 Summer 2023, confirms much of what Covid Vax sceptics have been saying regarding the disturbing sudden death phenomenon. As well Dr Orient says that much is unknown about the mRNA vaccines which are experimental: “There could be yet unknown mechanisms causing sudden death that are triggered by the novel COVID-19 vaccine. Despite claims to the contrary, science is never “settled” or “complete.” It is an ongoing process of discovery, and there could always be unknown mechanisms that have not yet been elucidated.”

That was known when the Covid vaxxes were rolled out, and use of the precautionary principle with an unknown technology should have been made. Instead we had the likes of Dr Fauci telling us that the technology was well known and tested, all of which has been shown to be false, in the greatest medical experiment ever undertaken.

“Nevertheless, the precise but narrow arguments of the vaccine promoters could not change the plethora of facts that the vaccine skeptics community got absolutely right: • The existence of sudden deaths before COVID-19 vaccines does not exclude possibility that vaccines can cause sudden death. Side effects of the novel COVID-19 vaccine could simply constitute another subset of etiologies superimposed on the old ones. • Official statistical data on sudden deaths are not reliable. Most importantly, one cannot assume that emergence of new vaccine-related etiologies can be easily proven or disproven by using the mortality data, because the accurate direct ascertainment of cases of sudden death was and is very difficult. Wong et al. pointed out that estimates of sudden death are not reliable due to several limitations.58 (1) Definitions of sudden death vary from study to study, in spite the efforts to standardize them. (2) It is challenging to exclude cases of deaths that do not meet the medicolegal definition of sudden death. This is especially true when accurate medical records of the event and background history are not available, and when autopsies are not routinely performed. (3) Data sources and methodology for case ascertainment differ widely throughout the world. • There are plausible mechanisms for vaccine-induced cardiac deaths that can be overlooked on routine autopsies (Figure 2). Nushida et al. argue that not only silent diffuse myocarditis and pericarditis, but even circumscribed atrial myocarditis can cause sudden death.59 Sudden death due to arrhythmias caused by myocarditis limited to the atria alone have been reported. Even during routine autopsies, the atria are rarely excised for histological examination, and only the ventricles are examined. Based on available literature, phenomena much less readily observable than coagulation abnormalities, such as anaphylaxis and cytokine storm, may constitute plausible mechanisms for sudden death after COVID-19 vaccinations. Ittiwut et al. proposed yet another etiological factor that is bound to be overlooked on routine autopsies.60 SCN5A genetic variants could be associated with sudden unexpected death within seven days of COVID-19 vaccination, regardless of vaccine type, number of doses, and presence of underlying diseases or post-vaccine fever. Thus, those authors recommended close monitoring of individuals who harbor SCN5A variants and possibly other genes that predispose to cardiac arrhythmias or cardiomyopathies for seven days after the administration of COVID-19 vaccines.

There could be yet unknown mechanisms causing sudden death that are triggered by the novel COVID-19 vaccine. Despite claims to the contrary, science is never “settled” or “complete.” It is an ongoing process of discovery, and there could always be unknown mechanisms that have not yet been elucidated. As Ittiwut et al. showed, a novel and unexpected pathomechanism may be discovered any day—especially considering that COVID-19 vaccine is based upon novel technology. • Reports of sudden deaths are being ignored or suppressed, and the normally expected official response to unexpected deaths is not forthcoming. The vaccine-skeptical community has been very vocal about the efforts to ignore, suppress, and deflect any news related to cases of possible sudden deaths related to COVID-19 vaccinations.”

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