By John Wayne on Wednesday, 26 June 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Climate Alarmism is Big Business! By James Reed

The blog, the "Bad Cat," is unusual, and may be a bit annoying to those of us from the old school who were brought up on the merits of grammar and proper capitals. He does not write using capital letters at all, apart from quotes, and I do not know why, but speculate, that it may be just his "thing" to distinguished the blog from others. Anyway, capital letters or no capitals, sometimes some telling points are made, such as the post below where he discusses the issue that climate change catastrophism/alarmism, is big business, a clear money spinner for the globalist elites and local New Class. He focusses below on the "watermelon Greens," Green on the outside but communist red inside, that are now dominating mainstream journalism:

"A massive global grooming programme aimed at mostly mainstream media involving climate catastrophism and Net Zero promotion is detailed in a recently published report from the green billionaire-funded Internews's Earth Journalism Network (EJN). The work is a shocking insight into the corruption of independent, investigative journalism. At one point the report observes "a concerning trend among journalists in some countries still seeking to 'balance' their climate change reporting". The report shows clearly that the green billionaires are calling most of the shots in promoting stories of Net Zero-inspired climate collapse. It is noted that they may fund journalists "to cover stories in a particular subject area, determined by funder interests and goals".

Over the last 20 years the tax-efficient billionaire foundations have stepped into the funding gaps left by declining circulation and advertising sales across mainstream media. It is noted by the EJN that journalists "overwhelmingly agreed" that support from external funding organisations was "essential" to enabling their climate and environmental reporting. Any journalist can apply to be a member of the EJN and the "primary benefit" is said to be access to grant funding for stories and "training opportunities". The operation claims over 25,000 members in 200 countries.

The list of EJN funders is a long one and includes many well-known supporters of climate fear-mongering work. Included is the European Climate Foundation, heavily supported by Michael Bloomberg and Extinction Rebellion paymaster Sir Christopher Hohn. Other supporters include Tides, Gulbenkian, Oak, Packard, Climate Justice Resilience, MacArthur and Rockefeller. Helping out with taxpayer money are political and government organisations including the United Nations and the British Foreign Office."

What is described here is a vast globalist network which has completely taken over the environmental movement. While in the abstract there are legitimate environmental questions, with the globalist dominance now extending to funding of research, and massive conflicts of interest by academics and scientists, I think we have no choice but to see the entire mainstream academic system as contaminated by ideological bias, and thus a sceptical attitude to the whole lot must result. From now on the mantra must be: guilty until proven innocent!

"you all know gato's first law:

as soon as one allows politicians to determine that which is bought and sold, the first thing bought and sold will always be politicians.

increasingly, this goes double for journalism. this trend is no longer haphazard nor piecemeal. it's a unified, organized, well funded edifice of crony corporatist marketing, manipulation, and grift being funded by investment experts who know an attractive value proposition when they see one.

behind the dupes and power chasers of "watermelon green" hiding red on the inside lies a vast group of funding sources willing to indulge these would be world savers so long as they all stay onside and push the wares sold by the companies they funded.

"why innovate when you can mandate?" runs the greentech investing mantra now popular from silicon valley to london and berlin to bejing.

why indeed…

this has coalesced into entire agencies and networks of journalistic jingo stepping into dying dinosaur newsrooms with one simple ask to trigger a showering of largess. i'll let the earth journalism network speak in its own words so that none may claim straw man or that i overstate their goals:

it has all become funny business. and business is good.

A massive global grooming programme aimed at mostly mainstream media involving climate catastrophism and Net Zero promotion is detailed in a recently published report from the green billionaire-funded Internews's Earth Journalism Network (EJN). The work is a shocking insight into the corruption of independent, investigative journalism. At one point the report observes "a concerning trend among journalists in some countries still seeking to 'balance' their climate change reporting". The report shows clearly that the green billionaires are calling most of the shots in promoting stories of Net Zero-inspired climate collapse. It is noted that they may fund journalists "to cover stories in a particular subject area, determined by funder interests and goals".

Over the last 20 years the tax-efficient billionaire foundations have stepped into the funding gaps left by declining circulation and advertising sales across mainstream media. It is noted by the EJN that journalists "overwhelmingly agreed" that support from external funding organisations was "essential" to enabling their climate and environmental reporting. Any journalist can apply to be a member of the EJN and the "primary benefit" is said to be access to grant funding for stories and "training opportunities". The operation claims over 25,000 members in 200 countries.

The list of EJN funders is a long one and includes many well-known supporters of climate fear-mongering work. Included is the European Climate Foundation, heavily supported by Michael Bloomberg and Extinction Rebellion paymaster Sir Christopher Hohn. Other supporters include Tides, Gulbenkian, Oak, Packard, Climate Justice Resilience, MacArthur and Rockefeller. Helping out with taxpayer money are political and government organisations including the United Nations and the British Foreign Office.

this is a near perfect system to grab and co-opt failing journalists. can't make ends meet? come get a grant! there's plenty! just toe the line, sing from our hymnal, make every story a climate story, and "bob's your uncle!"

the best data gets ignored in favor of pushing "perception of crisis." the divergence of the last 10 years is fascinating. but when NOAA itself ignores its more accurate reference network to instead push one it knows to be false whose steep temperature rises are driven by poor siting and urban heat islands and is increasing modeled as opposed to even being based in data, well, that sort of speaks for itself on agenda, doesn't it?

this is not the sort of thing you want investigative journos poking around if you want to keep the narrative spinning.

and so as a budding greengrifter, you'd best get a handle on that.

so you find the weak spots with high ROI and you push. hard.

climate reporter theology school has emerged as a sort of opportunistic infection currently ravaging a sick and depleted media caught in a death spiral of losing readers and viewers due to selling out and losing credibility leading, in turn, to more selling out, more lost credibility, and even greater losses of audience reach. media is dying and this makes it easy prey for anyone willing to fund these jingo-journos and keep them from having to get real jobs or do real research." 

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