By John Wayne on Thursday, 08 August 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Chaos in the UK! By Richard Miller (London)

This is serious, and it is something which never should have reached his level; public angst over mass immigration and migrant crime, embodied in the on-going UK riots. As expected, Elon Musk threw a cat among the pigeons, and pigeons they are, when he wrote that "civil war is inevitable" in Britain:

Naturally the pro-immigration lobby were in horror that someone would say this out loud, and slammed Musk: . And Keir Starmer did the predictable thing for the status quo, which is migrant-biased, and blamed the Right, which he said would be punished for free speech, sorry, violence. He was carful not to mention that Islamic men had also taken to the streets, many armed with melee weapons, and clashed with both police and protesters, and in Bolton, Islamic men threw rocks at police and chanted "Allahu Ackbar." Islamic men also attacked white men in Middlesborough. Of course that does not justify the violence by Whites. Thus, it is quite the mess, as civil disorder comes to once "quiet" towns: Dr. Roger Watson writes about Hull, a port city in East Yorkshire:

"Hull has a long history of accommodating asylum seekers which extends through both World Wars to the Hugenots who were expelled from Catholic France in the 16th through to 18th Centuries. More recently, and before the most recent and voluminous waves of asylum seekers arriving in the U.K., a single house in a fairly prestigious neighbourhood was used to accommodate a handful of asylum seekers.

However, in the past decade the face of Hull has changed noticeably. Two main shopping streets with small businesses are now almost completely in the hands of Muslim shopkeepers and restaurant owners. The streets are now ostensibly Muslim areas with large groups of young men hanging about at the entrances to businesses. There is little, if any trouble, but some locals feel increasingly uneasy and are vocal about their concerns, if not in public, most certainly in the pub.

The above immigrants to Hull are largely former asylum seekers granted leave to live in the U.K. and Hull continues to pride itself on being friendly to asylum seekers. But placing hundreds of young, mainly Muslim, men in the heart of the city has tested Hull's resolve. People in the city centre feel particularly galled by the fact that, while those in the more middle-class parts of Hull such as Cottingham, will wax lyrical about the need to house asylum seekers, their enthusiasm wanes at the thought of having them in their midst. Protesters brought Cottingham to a standstill when it was proposed by the University of Hull (not located in Cottingham) to sell its halls of residence in the leafy suburb to the Home Office to house hundreds of asylum seekers. The university relented and shelved the plans.

Those in the centre of Hull who complain about the influx of asylum seekers, but feel powerless to change things, consider that a double standard exists regarding the housing of asylum seekers depending on your social status. Nevertheless, there have never been riots in Hull before and there is no doubt that there was an influx of protesters this weekend determined to show their displeasure and stir some of the locals into action of the most violent and destructive type. The fact that the murders in Southport had nothing to do with an asylum seeker seems not to have registered.
I share concerns about the influx of asylum seekers to Hull and the changing face of many parts of our small city. But we do not want riots here and we do not want outsiders with malicious intent attacking police, property or asylum seekers."

In 2016, Chancellor Rachel Reeves, warned that unless immigration was reduced af there could be anti-immigration riots:, and here the riots are. But the response from the prime minister has been to crush the protests:

"We've all seen the protests against the almost open-borders immigration forced on us by both the CINOs (Conservatives in name only) and then enthusiastically adopted by Labour. These protests have come at a rather unfortunate time for Labour as it looks like Labour is about to grant a 'stay-in-Britain' amnesty for anywhere between 90,000 and 120,000 mostly male-of-military-age illegal migrants already here. Plus the record number of new arrivals coming from France this year can also expect a warm welcome from Labour to the U.K. Our rulers assure us that we have nothing to worry about from this mass of new illegal migrants even though we know that many have destroyed their identity papers and have been coached by the people smugglers, migration charities and wealthy crooked immigration lawyers to lie about their age and their countries of origin in order to be granted leave to remain in Britain.

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has been particularly outspoken in condemning not only the riots but the anti-immigration protests and has promised draconian measures – facial recognition, travel bans and Russian-style policing – to crush any opposition to his Government's migration free-for-all."

All this will simply be pouring petrol onto an already raging fire of discontent and is more proof of the Great White Replacement in action. 

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