By John Wayne on Monday, 28 November 2022
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Birds of Fire By James Reed

I had this interesting item pop up on my screen, just as  I was lamenting about Dan Andrews becoming god emperor for life … no, sorry, that is Xi over in communist China … how could I mistake them? Anyway, there are some birds in Oz who use fire to toast their prey, when fire is around. I don’t think that  they are smart enough yet to carry cigarette lighters, but given enough lockdowns it may become Planet of the Birds, rather than Planet of the Apes.

“If you're someone living with phobia of birds, this really isn't going to help you.

And even if you've managed to live in Australia without developing a crippling fear of birds, this is still going to be confronting.

Because while you might be able to ward off some of the flying demons with a party-blower-helmet like the bloke in the video above, there’s not much you can do when they start dropping fire. 

Yes, you read that correctly. 

As it turns out, some Australian birds of prey actively spread bushfires to smoke out their victims and barbecue their food.

As it turns out, there are three "fire-foraging raptors" who demonstrate this diabolical arsonist behaviour, being the black kite, the whistling kite and the brown falcon.

Reports indicate this kind of thing has been going on in the NT, Queensland and WA for hundreds of years.

But this phenomenon is going viral right now after a brief yarn from New Scientist journo Andy Coghlan hit Twitter, causing a whooole bunch of people to flip out.”


I will never look a bird in the eye again; in fact, don’t, as they usually deliver messages of “love” in aerial bombardment. Like our politicians. 

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