By John Wayne on Wednesday, 27 July 2022
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Big Al Gore Wants to Gut Democracy for Climate Crisis, Blah, Blah By James Reed

Big Al Gore, and he is big compared to the man that lost to Bush in the 2000 presidential election, has said that “democracy is broken.” Conservatives have their own take on this, but that differs from Gore, who sees corporate interests acting against environmentalists, in the Left’s own conspiracy theory. As we see it, the higher-level elites are very much in favour of using the so-called climate crisis to their own use, and that is regardless of any merits in any arguments. It would not even matter if global cooling was occurring, for the Great Reset monster, global cooling would be the big crisis. Anything that can serve their malevolent purposes will do. In this respect, Gore is a mere sideline issue, not really in the main game now. Things have moved far beyond, An Inconvenient Truth (2006).

“A guy who lost a presidential election but made a fortune has some thoughts on the political system.

Gore, in an interview with Meet the Press’ Chuck Todd that will air Sunday, said that public sentiment is changing in regards to climate change but that “democracy is broken,”

The only people who think “democracy is broken” want to eliminate it.

Much like “the Supreme Court is broken” or “the Constitution is broken.”

The former vice president also called for the filibuster to be eliminated, saying that “we have a minority government…. we have big money playing much too large a role in our politics.”

Gore, who went from an estimated $1.7 million to over $200 million knows all about “big money” and where to get it.

The environmentalist scam has been adopted by green investors who want to hijack our entire economy, as they have already hijacked the economies of entire states, like California, and countries, like those of much of Europe, and they insist on destroying anyone who stands in their way.”

“Former Vice President Al Gore said that to solve the climate crisis, the U.S. needs to first pay attention to the democracy crisis.

The big picture: Gore, in an interview with "Meet the Press" host Chuck Todd that will air Sunday, said that public sentiment is changing in regards to climate change, but that "democracy is broken," likening the inaction on climate legislation to the inaction on gun control legislation.

Of note: Gore also compared climate change deniers to law enforcement officers in Uvalde, Texas, who have been criticized for their response to a school shooting that killed 19 children and two teachers.




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