By John Wayne on Monday, 01 July 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Biden Refuses to Quit, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Given the massive backlash against Joe Biden, with calls for him to pull out of the 2024 presidential race, how did Joe himself respond? He said that he did not debate as well as he did in the past. That is probably true for most of us getting on in years. And, he also said that he was not pulling out. This decision was supported by Charles Myers chairman of investment advisory firm Signum Global, who believed that Biden could still save the race. Myers rejected the idea that California Governor Gavin Newsom or Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer could replace Biden. Myers made the key point that there is no mechanism within the Democrat's rules for the replacement of Biden if he refuses to go. That is an issue which does not get discussed much; I have seen only one article on this so far, and it does seem that Biden is locked in, unless he gets sick and dies.

This is all very interesting and important too, as who becomes US president will impact upon the world, with the West moving to all-out war with Russia. Trump is likely to prevent Armageddon, so hopefully people outside of the US will appreciate the importance of this election. Australia as well, especially with the China threat facing you. If the US falls, so will Australia.

A long-time Democratic donor said it's "wishful thinking" that Joe Biden will quit the presidential race despite an "appalling" CNN appearance on Thursday — and insisted the commander-in-chief could still bounce back.

"Any notion that Biden is going to step aside now is wishful thinking," Wall Street veteran Charles Myers, also a top bundler for the 2024 campaign, told The Post.

"I thought the performance was appalling but not catastrophic, and there is more than enough time to turn it around," Myers added.

Myers, chairman of investment advisory firm Signum Global, voiced his optimism despite Biden's stumbling and mumbling his way through Thursday's televised debate against Donald Trump, igniting fresh concern over the 81-year-old's cognitive faculties.

Myers also dismissed the idea that California Gov. Gavin Newsom or Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer could be parachuted in to face off against Donald Trump.

Myers stressed that there is "no mechanism" in the Democratic Party's internal rules to topple Biden as their would-be presidential candidate.

"The Plan B is Kamala," the major Biden fundraiser told the Post, referring to the vice president, who is less popular in the polls than Biden.

But Myers also said Biden could have to stand down if Trump steals a march on him in the six key presidential battlegrounds: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

"I'm watching the polls closely in the swing states," the ex-Evercore executive said. "If Trump pulls ahead by 8-9 points in the swing states over the next 3-4 weeks then there will be people legitimately asking him to step aside."

Some Democratic operatives have questioned whether Barack Obama's vice president can stay at the top of the ticket.

David Axelrod, a top strategist for Obama, told CNN: "There are gonna be discussions on if he should continue."

"There is no way to spin this. His performance was disqualifying," a top Democratic fundraiser who spoke on condition of anonymity was quoted as saying after the debate.

"I expect fundraising to dry up. Money follows enthusiasm," the source told Reuters. "How can anyone with a straight face say 'Donate to elect Joe.'"

Biden's campaign and pro-Biden groups have managed to rake in as much as $389 million for this year's White House race.

If he refuses to pull out, then Democratic National Convention delegates would need to stage a revolt at the event in Chicago in August.

The rules state: "Delegates elected to the national convention pledged to a presidential candidate shall in all good conscience reflect the sentiments of those who elected them."

The number of delegates needed is 1,968 and Mr Biden has already gathered 3,894 because he has run virtually unopposed, despite concerns about his health.

Biden appeared to lose his train of thought on several occasions on Thursday, drifting between subjects and allowing his voice to trail off before he could complete his answers.

But he tried to dismiss calls for him to step aside with a more energetic performance at a rally in North Carolina on Friday.

"I know I am not a young man," he told supporters."

"President Biden is still committed to a second debate against Donald Trump despite his abysmal showing on Thursday night.

Biden, 81, will return to the debate stage in September, CNN senior White House correspondent Kayla Tausche reported Friday morning, citing an adviser.

Biden is also not considering dropping out of the race — despite concerns from members of his own party.

The octogenarian repeatedly froze and misspoke during the Thursday debate, which left doubts in the minds of even the most hopeful viewers about his mental and physical fitness.

He also spoke in a soft, scratchy voice, which anonymous aides claimed was the result of a cold.

"This was a disaster for Biden. Many Democrats are looking for a new candidate after this debate," Doug Muzzio, a retired public affairs professor at Baruch College, told The Post.

"Biden was tentative, rambling and sometimes incoherent," he said.

"Trump, on the other hand, was clear and relatively coherent. He looked like he knew what he was talking about. Even though he repeatedly lied, he lies in an articulate way."

At one point early in the debate, the incumbent appeared to lose his train of thought for a glacial nine seconds — only to finally look up and say that he "finally beat Medicare." 

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