By John Wayne on Saturday, 06 July 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Biden Meltdown Up Date, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I will bring regular updates on what is happening on the Joe Biden front for Australian readers, most of you, since it is unlikely the dominant Murdoch press is covering much of this. First off, we have the report that Biden is a tyrant to work with, senile or not: By way of summary:

A top Biden donor: "We've all enabled the situation."

A Democratic strategist: "The number of people who have access to the president has gotten smaller and smaller and smaller. They've been digging deeper into the bunker for months now."

A senior House Democrat: "I think the Biden team is pretty insular and doesn't really care what anybody says."

A White House staffer: "Everyone was told this was for the best. Now, it's the worst possible outcome. And we're all trying to figure out why the people who know him best and make all the decisions didn't seem to anticipate that this might happen."

A Democratic operative: "[Biden's advisers] don't take dissent. ... If you try, then you don't get invited to the next call, the next meeting."

Trump's own prediction, made while playing golf in his ample leisure time, was that Biden would be dumped in favour of Kamala Harris: Then it will be a campaign to put into power the first American woman person of colour.

But there is another line of thought that many progressives would be happy to have Biden even if he was reduced to a zombie state, with key decisions being made by shadowy Deep State figures:

"The reversal of propaganda emanating from the DNC-MSM Blob—from expressing concern about Biden to saying that in fact he's just fine—suggests that the puppet masters have adopted a new strategy. Though it's pure conjecture, I have a hunch that the new strategy lies in a threefold concept of electorate psychology:

1). Trump Derangement Syndrome is so strong that many voters would prefer Biden to be embalmed like Lenin and to lie in state in the Oval Office for four years instead of voting for Trump.

2). Many voters have great faith in the Democratic Party machine and trust it to perform the functions of the Executive, even if the nominal president cannot.

3). The Machiavellian component of the Democratic Party is already fully aware that Biden is a puppet for powerful interests and is pleased with this arrangement.

Thus, what we may see happening in the United States is a shift in the electorate to prefer a puppet over a candidate whom they loathe.

If this is indeed the case, a Biden second term could resemble the Regency period of British history (1811-1830) when George III was debilitated by mental illness, and his son, the Prince Regent, George IV, held some degree of executive power (though real power resided in Lord Liverpool).

Though extremely charming and fashionable, George IV was also infamous for his dissolute habits. There's a funny scene in one of the Blackadder episodes when Edmund Blackadder is serving at the Prince Regent's valet. We see Edmund enter the Prince Regent's sumptuous bedchamber to awaken him.

"What time is it?" the Prince asks as he sits up in bed.

"Three o'clock in the afternoon, your Royal Highness," Edmund answers.

"Oh, thank God, I was afraid I'd slept late," the Prince replies.

It's fascinating and disturbing to contemplate the possibility that a Biden second term could feature Hunter Biden acting as a sort of Prince Regent, while the current Puppet Masters (whoever they are) continue to rule and optimize their program of extraction." 

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