By John Wayne on Saturday, 27 August 2022
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Beautiful Legal Flowers Blooming: Covid Pandemic Law Suits By James Reed

I hope we see this pattern develop herein Australia over the Covid scam. In the US there are Covid law suits a plenty, litigation against government and private corporations, all of whom harmed individuals with heir policies and actions, and who continue to do so. Most of these suits are civil actions relating to the lockdown mandates, which crippled small business and led to many losing their jobs, and health in the process. It is early days yet, but with other mass torts, this will pick up in the future, as the harms become clear, and the public anger, grows.

Let millions of wonderous law suits bloom!

“Pandemic-related litigation has lead to more lawsuits and court filings than any other incident in US history, and there’s more to come. This litigation includes filings against insurers, against government regulations that affected businesses, domestic disputes and a variety of consumer activity.

US states filing the most pandemic-related lawsuits include New York, California, Florida, Texas and New Jersey. A large percentage of those claims are civil lawsuits having to do with stay-at-home orders, group-gathering bans and forced business closures, all of which did NOTHING to prevent disease spreading or “flatten the curve” for the lab-created Fauci Flu. All of those people should win their cases based on the fraud and misinformation spread and mandated by the CDC and Fauci alone.

Class action lawsuits skyrocketed due to the scamdemic

The most putative class action cases are related to insurance claims, airline refunds, educational institutions, consumer protection claims, financial institutions, manufacturers, fitness companies, and ticket sellers (for events that were canceled due to the scamdemic).

The CDC has been responsible for millions of cases of unnecessary health risks and mandates that destroyed people’s businesses, lives and education. The scale of loss associated with this scamdemic fraud cannot be calculated or even realized. It’s like a tsunami of destruction that must be reconciled on several fronts.

Vaccine-induced injuries and death are one HUGE arena of this malpractice and genocide. Anyone suffering from myocarditis, nervous system disorders, auto-immune dysfunction or blood clots after being “vaccinated” with gene mutation injections should lawyer-up immediately and make those responsible pay.

Though Congress protects the entirely corrupt pharmaceutical industry, including the vaccine industrial complex, from being sued for anything ever, there are plenty of institutions and regulatory officials that need the “screws” taken to them for these tragic losses of life, liberty and medical choice.

Tsunami-style wave of COVID-19 pandemic-related lawsuits tracked by case type, industry, and company size

As a direct result of the Wuhan Flu scamdemic, there are a multitude of lessons to be learned from the court cases and legal insights from the litigation and court-related decisions. Here are some examples. Workers fired during the scamdemic can proceed with disability lawsuits, says the Federal Court. Employers might face pandemic injury and death claims for workplace exposures.

Some women are filing lawsuits alleging pregnancy discrimination, saying the pandemic was just an excuse for it. A California court ruling has set a precedent for claims by non-employees who catch the Fauci Flu from workers. Hospital employees around the country are filing lawsuits over workplace vaccine mandates, especially since the so-called “vaccines” don’t even work, and can cause blood clots, ADE, AIDS and death.

Many people took advantage of the pandemic and did not honor custody agreements and/or court orders. One parent of a joint-custody agreement, for example, says to the other, “you’ve been exposed to Covid,” or “you have not been vaccinated,” or “I don’t want to expose my kids to more people, I’m keeping them here.” This is causing huge, heated arguments, which in turn has domestic violence cases skyrocketing.

Plus, many people aren’t and can’t pay their home owner’s association dues, or other liens on their property. Unnecessary and possibly illegal (over-charged) medical bills are piling up, causing strife, stress and new legal battles. There’s no end in sight to this new tsunami of legal battles, court cases and filings. The scamdemic rages on.”

This will probably reach fever pitch given that people under 30 years, who have the most to lose in terms of quality of life years, are dying at rates above normal, and the estate can sue:


“National vaccine monitoring data from New Zealand show Pfizer’s mRNA Covid shot is associated with above-normal death rates in teenagers and young adults for weeks after they are jabbed.

The signal is subtle and does not prove the vaccines are behind the extra deaths. But they are another warning sign for the mRNA vaccines, which are already known to increase the risk of myocarditis in young men and have effectively no benefit for healthy young people in any case.

Yet colleges such as New York University continue to mandate booster shots for students.

New Zealand’s Ministry of Health publishes regular and detailed reports on Covid vaccine safety, including specific lists of adverse events it has received.

As part of the reports, the ministry also counts all deaths of people who have received the jabs in the previous 21 days. (If other countries provide a similarly comprehensive post-shot death count, I’m not aware of them.)

New Zealand has a national Covid immunization registry and a national death registry, so the records and matching should largely be accurate, though the ministry warns that they will take “many weeks” to be complete.

The ministry breaks down the deaths by age, ranging from 0-9 through over 80. It then compares the actual number of people who died in the three weeks after the shots to the “expected” number. That figure is simply the number of deaths demographers would have expected over a random three-week period based on actuarial tables estimating mortality.

For older age ranges, the charts reveal a striking trend - “observed” deaths of vaccine recipients are far below the number of expected deaths for the first three weeks after vaccination.

In general, vaccinated people over the age of 30 had roughly 40 to 55 percent lower death rates than the unvaccinated over that period. They had that apparent benefit after both doses and the booster.

To be clear, this gap does NOT suggest that the mRNA vaccines reduce all-cause deaths. No one, not even the most fanatical vaccine advocate, would suggest they do. In the clinical trials of mRNA vaccines, all-cause deaths were almost exactly balanced between vaccine and placebo recipients.

Rather, the large gap between the actual and expected rates is evidence of a well-known epidemiological phenomenon called “healthy vaccine user bias.”

This bias takes many forms, but one is that physicians are unlikely to offer vaccines to people - at any age - near the end of their lives. As the ministry of health itself notes:

One reason for the number of deaths in the vaccinated group appearing to be lower could be that healthcare professionals of extremely frail patients give the advice not to get vaccinated.

But for people under 30, and especially between 10 and 19, the data present a very different picture.

Not only were deaths not lower in vaccinated people in those age ranges in the three weeks after the shot, they were actually higher after the first dose. The shift between the under 30 and over 30 groups is remarkable. (The fact no one under 10 is included in the “observed death” category may represent reporting lag.)

The higher death rates continued for people under 20 after the second dose, though not for people between 20 and 30.

So what’s specifically behind the deaths? At this point we don’t know.

Unfortunately, the ministry does not provide any information on the causes of death in any age range, so it is impossible to determine whether myocarditis or other cardiac conditions played a major role in the higher-than-expected figures.

Further, the number of extra deaths is very small on an absolute basis and could be due to chance, as the ministry explains. Again, though, deaths in vaccinated people should be well below normal in the days following vaccination, not above.

Just another potential red flag about the mRNAs health authorities around the world seem to have no interest in pursuing.”


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