By John Wayne on Wednesday, 28 August 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Australian Tribunal Rules: “Sex is Changeable”! By Mrs Vera West

The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), has held that "sex is changeable," something which was made evident in any case by amendments to the Sex Discrimination Act that were passed by the federal parliament under the Labour government in 2013, which made "gender identity" a protected characteristic. A case recently considered, involved a social media platform, "Giggle," being set up for women only. There was facial recognition software used to exclude males. A transwoman was accepted, but upon later investigation, rejected. The Human Rights Commission held that this was a case of indirect discrimination, as the software did not distinguish between cisgender men and trans women.

The interesting prospect is raised at the Daily Sceptic who covered this case that there will "hopefully now be an appeal to the High Court, and with any luck the 2013 amendments to the Sex Discrimination Act will be deemed unlawful. There is a strong case here, as many have pointed out that it is unconstitutional to redefine "woman" as a matter of identity rather than biology." Personally, I do not see the woke High court doing this, but who am I, I am no constitutional law authority. 

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