By John Wayne on Friday, 09 December 2022
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Australia’s “Incredibly High” Excess Deaths By Mrs Vera West

Now even the mainstream media is covering the issue of the rise of excess deaths in Australia, 13 percent in 2022, above the expected mean value; an extra 15,400 people died in the first eight months of the year, according to analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data. Karen Cutter of the Actuaries Institute said that this was way outside the normal and needs investigation. However as observed at  there  are 10 reasons why the official data on vaccine injury and deaths is unreliable, and things are worse than than ABS data:

  1. “Lack of education around side effects. Many injured report their doctors/vaccinators "googling" their side effects. This lack of education likely applies to coroners as well.
  2. Misinformation flowing from government and offical health sources. E.g.: assurances that vaccines can't affect menstrual health (subsequently, studies showed that they do).
  3. Prejudice against those reporting side effects. Categorising concerned patients or families of deceased as "crazy anti-vaxxers" and dismissing their concerns.
  4. Health professionals not wanting to appear "anti-vax", which would damage their reputations and possibly jeopardise their licence to practice.
  5. Most peri- and myocarditis injured who I interviewed were initially diagnosed as "anxious" and prescribed anti-depressants (for their myocarditis!). Similarly, misattribution of deaths to natural, unknown or other causes, such as in the case of Aseem Malhotra’s fatherand Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
  6. The autopsies required to establish causal links between vaccination and death are not being conducted.
  7. Lack of distinction between Covid, vaccine AEs, Long Covid and Long Vax.
  8. The very low bar for recording unexplained illness and deaths as Covid, or Long Covid related if a loose link can be established. This is manifested in both the attitudes of the health professionals who are predisposed to view Covid as a primary threat to public health, and in the minimal protocols required to classify events as Covid related.
  9. The very high bar for recording unexplained illness and deaths as vaccine related, even if a strong link can be established. This is manifested in both the attitudes of the health professionals who are predisposed to view vaccine critics as crazy and/or anxious, and in the multitudinous protocols required to classify events as vaccine related.3
  10. The AU reporting system is passive. Underreporting is a widely acknowledged bug (or feature, depending on your degree of capture by Big Pharma or your own ego) of passive surveillance systems.”


It is but the tip of a very dark iceberg.

“The Australian government should be urgently investigating the “incredibly high” 13 per cent excess death rate in 2022, the country’s peak actuarial body says.

An extra 15,400 people died in the first eight months of the year, according to new analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data by the Actuaries Institute, with around one-third of those having no link to Covid.

Karen Cutter, an actuary of more than 25 years and spokeswoman for the institute’s Covid-19 Mortality Working Group, said 13 per cent was an “incredibly high number for mortality” and that it was “not clear” what was driving the increase.

“Mortality doesn’t normally vary by more than 1 to 2 per cent, so 13 per cent is way higher than normal levels,” she said.

“I’m not aware [of anything comparable] in the recent past but I haven’t gone back and looked [historically]. They talk about the flu season of 2017 being really bad, and the mortality there was 1 per cent higher than normal. So it’s well outside the range of normal.”

She added, “In addition to Covid-19 deaths, there are significant numbers of non-Covid deaths – it is not clear what is causing these as there are many factors at play.”

Actuaries are behind-the-scenes data experts who specialise in analysing risk – and one of their key focuses is mortality statistics.

“Looking at mortality and how that might be different from expectations is part of the core of what we do,” Ms Cutter said.

“A lot of insurance products rely on mortality assumptions – life insurance, death and disability, superannuation – it crosses over a lot of things. Similarly with morbidity. I tell my friends we do all the maths behind insurance.”

While sounding the alarm was one thing, Ms Cutter said what happened next was a “very good question”.

“I think the government should be looking at it – I don’t know to what extent they are or not, I don’t know what kind of investigations are underway,” she said.

“The AIHW [Australian Institute of Health and Welfare] is the Australian body tasked with investigating and reporting on the health of the Australian population, so part of it probably falls under their remit. I don’t know what they’re doing.”

A spokeswoman for AIHW said, “The AIHW does not routinely report on excess mortality.”

Ms Cutter noted the Australian parliament was currently holding an inquiry into “Long Covid”, but that excess mortality likely fell outside the committee’s terms of reference.

“Covid’s such a new thing, there’s just so much research going on, new papers coming out all the time,” she said.

“I feel like somebody should be doing something – but I don’t know who and what.””

“Excess deaths are through the roof,1 and Experts are baffled. They don’t know what is causing the deaths, but they assure us it’s definitely not the Covid vaccines.

Yet another Expert has expressed uncertainty over the cause of Australia’s historically unprecedented rise in excess deaths, this time Karen Cutter, of the Actuaries Institute’s Covid Mortality Working Group . Cutter is calling for an investigation into the causes of the excess deaths, stating that the driving factors are “not clear.” At the same time, Cutter says that, “there is zero evidence that vaccines are causing these deaths as far as I’m concerned, but I cannot prove it.”

At present, the TGA admits only 14 deaths related to Covid vaccines out of 947 reports received. This would hardly make a dent in excess deaths.

Cutter and her team hypothesise that the steep rise in excess deaths is due to: post-Covid sequelae; interactions with other causes of death; delayed deaths from other causes; delays in emergency care; delays in routine care; and increased use of drugs and alcohol. Note that the latter three are knock on effects of pandemic policies.2

I’ve had a few back and forths on with Cutter on Twitter. She does good work and her threads on excess mortality are thorough and conservative.

But Cutter has a significant blind spot, as do most Experts, it seems:

They hold the a priori assumption that official data is reliable and true.

This is understandable, to a point. Experts might think it inappropriate to speculate or deviate from official data sources. But the official data doesn't show the true rate of injury or death causally linked to Covid vaccines, and therefore this is a massive blindspot in the actuarial analysis, and Expert analysis more broadly. They’re building a house on bad foundations.

Here are 10 reasons why the official data on vaccine injury and deaths is unreliable.

1.Lack of education around side effects. Many injured report their doctors/vaccinators "googling" their side effects. This lack of education likely applies to coroners as well.

  1. Misinformation flowing from government and offical health sources. E.g.: assurances that vaccines can't affect menstrual health (subsequently, studies showed that they do).
  2. Prejudice against those reporting side effects. Categorising concerned patients or families of deceased as "crazy anti-vaxxers" and dismissing their concerns.
  3. Health professionals not wanting to appear "anti-vax", which would damage their reputations and possibly jeopardise their licence to practice.
  4. Most peri- and myocarditis injured who I interviewed were initially diagnosed as "anxious" and prescribed anti-depressants (for their myocarditis!). Similarly, misattribution of deaths to natural, unknown or other causes, such as in the case of Aseem Malhotra’s fatherand Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
  5. The autopsies required to establish causal links between vaccination and death are not being conducted.
  6. Lack of distinction between Covid, vaccine AEs, Long Covid and Long Vax.
  7. The very low bar for recording unexplained illness and deaths as Covid, or Long Covid related if a loose link can be established. This is manifested in both the attitudes of the health professionals who are predisposed to view Covid as a primary threat to public health, and in the minimal protocols required to classify events as Covid related.
  8. The very high bar for recording unexplained illness and deaths as vaccine related, even if a strong link can be established. This is manifested in both the attitudes of the health professionals who are predisposed to view vaccine critics as crazy and/or anxious, and in the multitudinous protocols required to classify events as vaccine related.3
  9. The AU reporting system is passive. Underreporting is a widely acknowledged bug (or feature, depending on your degree of capture by Big Pharma or your own ego) of passive surveillance systems.

Until they acknowledge that the official data is unreliable, Experts will continue to be baffled.”


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