By John Wayne on Friday, 23 August 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Are the Australian Universities People Smugglers? By James Reed

My main cultural critique of the universities that I have given over the years, is that these places train the next generation, and being radically Left, they churn out brainwashed zombies with no capacity for original thought. This situation is complicated a bit now, with the cult of international students now dominating. As has been shown, this is all part of the back door immigration programme, and a strategy to replace the professional class of traditional European Australia by a new ruling Asian class. As a field exercise one should go to a local capital city university and observe the demographics. I usually find myself, and I am an external borrower, one of the few Whites there. Of course, this issue of the Great White Professional Replacement is never addressed outside of this blog, because it involves race. Still, one of the Chinese students I tutored once said to me he was amazed that the Whites would allow all this to happen, as China would not. He is now an Australian citizen, not wanting to go back to China. Why bother, as you guys are bringing China here, he joked! Despite that, I liked the guy as he was brutally honest, not being infected by the mind virus of woke. He gave it about 20 years before China ruled Australia, maybe less.

Now to the business of Macrobusiness. They have noted that the very minor caps put upon the international student supermarket has led to 150 tertiary colleges being shut down, as they were not even able to give proof that they were offering training to overseas students! They were shams, but somehow the Big Australia fanatics with their bs $ 40 billion export lie did not consider this as a cost. There are probably hundreds more of these "ghost colleges" that benefit from the mass immigration ideology scam; the government has warned another 140, so be sure that this is the tip of the iceberg, the product of the disastrous open borders labour deal done by Albo with India.

As Macrobusiness notes, the universities do not care about the destruction all of this has brought to the Australian community: "The community is done with greedy professors trashing renters, crushloading infrastructure, destroying wage growth, debauching immigration, and wrecking pedagogy so that they can stuff their faces with cash."

We need a movement which will take down the universities. I do not see our present dissent politicians having the insight to see the real source of the problem, and if you email them, good luck getting a reply, especially from the few that have degrees. They have not even followed up on the economic critique. We really need a new crop of strong nationalists to emerge from the present ashes to take on all the issues of our concern.

"The benefits of the new international student caps are obvious:

Almost 150 tertiary colleges have been shut down for failing to show proof they were offering any training to students, figures have revealed.

The vocational education providers were closed down as part of a crackdown by the Australian Skills Quality Authority, targeting colleges that did not offer proof of providing courses in the past year.

Of the roughly 3800 training organisations in Australia, about 150 had been shut down by the federal government, while warnings had been given to a further 140 so-called "ghost colleges".

LVO warned on these the moment Albo went to India and signed his atrocious open borders labour deals.

After two years, the government has been forced to shut down the criminal pipeline.

Not that the sandstone universities care that they have become little more than people smugglers:

Some institutions, such as Sydney University, have already imposed hiring freezes in anticipation of a crackdown. Vice chancellor Mark Scott said caps were an "act of self-harm" based on "questionable" arguments, and suggested the policy was driven by populist politics.

Professor Scott denied international students were responsible for the national rental crisis, and ridiculed the idea government could force students to disburse across the country away from top-ranked campuses.

…Sharon Pickering, vice chancellor of Monash University, said she could not recall "a more uncertain time" for the sector, and dismissed Mr Clare's claim about the caps being necessary to improve visa processing times.

…Canberra University chancellor Lisa Paul said while there had been a decline in public confidence, suggestions universities had lost their social licence was "over dramatising it".

…University of NSW vice chancellor Attila Brungs said while he agreed the situation was not as dire as media headlines suggested, universities needed to become more responsive to feedback as community and student expectations and aspirations were constantly evolving.

Read the room.

The community is done with greedy professors trashing renters, crushloading infrastructure, destroying wage growth, debauching immigration, and wrecking pedagogy so that they can stuff their faces with cash. 

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