By John Wayne on Friday, 10 November 2023
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Are Christian Nationalist More Dangerous than Hamas? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Left-wing Salon recently published an article claiming that Trump MAGA supporters and Christian nationalists pose a greater threat to America than Hamas. This is little more than a continuation of the attack that the Biden regime has launched upon its opposition via Trump. The article says: "The MAGA movement, backed by a swath of Christian nationalists, has been increasingly associated with violent incidents." However, there have been isolated violent incidences from both sides of politics in America, and the events of the antifa riots of 2020, with deaths, injuries, assaults and arson far outweigh anything done by MAGA types and Christian nationalists. Even the FBI see these groups as predominantly law-obeying. But the ideological narrative is to vilify these groups so that iron-fisted Leftist forces can be used against them to crush them.

I do not think this is going to work out as fine as the Leftist tyrants think. A similar strategy was used in the Voice referendum in Australia, to portray the No side as racists. But it failed miserably, as the Australia people are sick of such libels. And, so are we.

“A recent Salon article posits that MAGA supporters and Christian nationalists pose a greater threat to America than Hamas. The claim has ignited significant debate, drawing criticism from various quarters, including a pointed remark from Elon Musk. This article will examine the substance of Salon's assertions and offer a fact-based analysis.

Critique of Original Claims:

The Salon article weaves a narrative that aligns MAGA supporters and Christian nationalists with a level of threat to national security that surpasses that of an internationally recognized terror organization. However, such comparisons are flawed for several reasons:

Comparative Threat Levels:

In evaluating the comparative threat levels posed by MAGA supporters, proponents of Christian nationalism, and organizations such as Hamas, it's important to clarify the distinctions and nuances within each group. While MAGA supporters are broadly part of a political movement with a range of perspectives, and Christian nationalism represents a specific ideological stance that merges Christian and American identities, neither group is synonymous with white supremacy. White supremacists are a distinct subset that espouses racial superiority and violence, which security agencies have identified as a threat.

To understand the threat landscape, one must look at the nature of the actions and the intent behind them. Domestic law enforcement agencies like the FBI have pointed out that the majority of MAGA supporters are law-abiding citizens who do not engage in violence. Similarly, Christian nationalism, while controversial in its blending of faith and patriotism, typically operates within the bounds of political discourse and advocacy. In contrast, groups like Hamas, designated as a terrorist organization by various governments, have a history of direct, organized violence against civilian targets, which is a key metric in threat assessment.

Furthermore, while the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot showcased the potential for violence among a fraction of MAGA supporters, it is critical to differentiate between such specific acts and the broader movement. Comparatively, organizations like Hamas are engaged in an ongoing conflict with consistent militant activities. This comparison necessitates a rigorous analysis, avoiding the conflation of domestic political movements with international terrorism, which operates on a different scale and with distinct methodologies.

In summary, while domestic threats must be monitored and addressed with seriousness, they should be contextualized within the scope of their actions and the legal framework within which they typically operate. The threat from international terrorist groups is characterized by their transnational capabilities and their often explicit aim to cause mass casualties, challenging both national and global security in profound ways.

Political Bias:

Salon's recent article on domestic terrorism threat levels raises crucial points about the complexities of identifying and classifying extremist threats. However, the article appears to conflate broad political movements with the actions of a few, risking the perpetuation of political bias in discussions that should be centered on security and safety. For instance, Salon's framing suggests an oversimplified and potentially misleading narrative that could be interpreted as suggesting all MAGA supporters or Christians with nationalist leanings are a uniform threat.

In a particularly contentious quote, Salon states, "The MAGA movement, backed by a swath of Christian nationalists, has been increasingly associated with violent incidents." This statement does not adequately differentiate between the general movement and the actions of specific individuals who may have committed crimes. It's important to critique such generalizations, as they risk unfairly labeling entire groups based on the actions of a minority, which is neither accurate nor just.

Moreover, Salon's comparison to groups like Hamas lacks nuance. While there is little debate over the designation of Hamas as a terrorist organization due to its documented violent acts, suggesting a parallel with broad political movements in the U.S. without the same level of evidence of coordinated violence risks inflating the threat and fueling political polarization.

It's critical for media outlets to avoid conflating political dissent with terrorism. Salon's article would benefit from a more discerning approach that recognizes the diversity within political movements and focuses on specific individuals or factions that pose a genuine threat. Such a responsible approach ensures that discourse on this sensitive topic remains both informative and fair, thereby upholding the integrity of the journalistic pursuit.

Backlash and Consequences:

Salon's piece on the threat of domestic terrorism has, predictably, sparked significant backlash, highlighting the precarious balance between raising awareness and inadvertently contributing to political discord. Critics argue that the article's broad brush strokes risk vilifying entire groups for the actions of a few, potentially leading to consequences such as social ostracization, unwarranted surveillance, or even hate crimes against those unjustly labeled as threats.

The backlash underlines a wider consequence: the erosion of public trust in media. When outlets are perceived to have a political agenda, it can diminish their credibility and fuel the very extremism they seek to expose. Salon's critics contend that the article could have done more to objectively assess the landscape of domestic terrorism without leaning into partisan perspectives.

A responsible discourse on domestic terrorism should focus on evidence-based analysis and acknowledge the complexities of political and social movements. The consequences of not doing so can be dire, leading to a more divided society and potentially hindering the efforts to tackle the real and present dangers posed by actual extremist groups. It is imperative for journalism to navigate these waters with the utmost care to prevent contributing to a cycle of mistrust and reactionary politics.


While it is imperative to remain vigilant against all forms of extremism that threaten the peace and security of the nation, it is equally important to engage in fact-based, measured discourse. Sensational comparisons and inflammatory rhetoric serve neither the cause of truth nor the pursuit of safety. In reviewing the data and assessing the real threats to national security, one finds a picture far more nuanced than the one painted by Salon.


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