By John Wayne on Tuesday, 21 November 2023
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Anti-Socialist Javier Milei Now President of Argentina! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Socialists almost destroyed what was once the richest country in South America, Argentina, and they have still been at work, with the government of now former President Alberto Fernández, producing “unprecedented economic crisis, fuelling skyrocketing inflation, joblessness, and social anxiety,” in short, social chaos. In this environment the colourful Javier Milei, a libertarian freedom candidate arrived on the scene, and as the clear underdog, look on the giants and cut them down to size. That is an intentional metaphor as Milei often did campaign promotions where he waved around a moving chain saw, somewhat dangerously, cutting things up. It made an impression.

Hopefully, his election will be part of a new wave across the planet of freedom candidates. We expect Milei to pull out of the World Health Organization for starters. If he is sincere he will begin the pushback against the UN and World Health Organization agendas on health and digital identity. It will be a good start, hopefully joined by a return of Donald Trump in 2024, who may this time do something against the globalists.

“Economist Javier Milei, a cable news fixture who was elected to the Argentine Congress riding a wave of anti-socialist sentiment in 2021, was elected the nation’s president on Sunday.

Milei will take office on December 10.

Milei campaigned as a libertarian, capitalist anti-socialist, leading his young political movement, Liberty Advances, against the long-standing Peronist socialist establishment. As a Latin American libertarian, he also took socially conservative positions that do not align with the common understanding of mainstream libertarianism in the United States, such as opposing the legalization of abortion and discouraging business dealings with communist countries, including one of Argentina’s top trade partners, China.

The candidate representing the socialists, current Minister of Economics Sergio Massa, announced to his supporters before official election results had been published that he had called Milei to concede the presidency.

With 86.59 percent of the vote tallied at press time and published by Argentina’s election authorities, Milei received 55.95 percent of the vote, compared to 44.04 percent for Sergio Massa – a double-digit lead made especially notable because Massa defeated Milei in the first round of voting on October 22.

Milei will succeed Massa’s boss, current President Alberto Fernández, under whose leadership the country has experienced an unprecedented economic crisis, fueling skyrocketing inflation, joblessness, and social anxiety. Fernández chose not to run for reelection and the presumed candidate expected to replace him, current Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, also chose not to run after being convicted of corruption crimes in late 2022. Courts found her both guilty of engaging in corruption and covered by prosecutorial immunity laws, so the vice president – who has also served as both president and first lady – chose to abstain from entering the race.

Massa delivered a speech at his campaign headquarters in which he urged supporters to wish Milei luck and work to improve the lives of Argentines collectively.

“I want to say that, obviously, the results are not what we expected,” Massa said – to audible expressions of shock, as the election results were not yet available – “and I have communicated with Javier Milei to congratulate him and wish him luck because he is the president that the majority of Argentines chose for the next four years.”

Speaking over some jeers, Massa added, “I did it convinced that the most important thing we have to leave Argentines with is the message that coexistence, dialogue, and respect for peace before so much violence and disqualification is the best path that we can take.”


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