By John Wayne on Monday, 12 August 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

An Open Letter to the British Prime Minister, By an Anonymous Dissenter

This latter has been widely circulated on various sites, and is reproduced below.

Dear Prime Minister,

Your condemnation of everyone as Far Right suggests a misunderstanding of the phrase.

Left wing means Big Government or Constructive Rationalism, i.e. a constructed or made-up world.

Right Wing is Small Government or Critical Rationalism, i.e. a society and economy that adjusts to reality rather than other way around.

Left Wing is control by government, living your life for you, and right wing is freedom.

Left wing is effectively a denial of reality – a lie if you will – whereas right wing is the truth.

This is why the left cannot tell the truth to the public because to do so would undermine its whole belief system. It is only through the truth that problems can be solved, and the economy and society improve, clearing to that truth in a path of prosperity. By contrast, by clearing of truth, left wing government follows a road to serfdom.

As a lawyer, you will know the difference between The Rule of Law and legislation. The Rule of Law is that derived of common consent, which is very different from legislation, which is imposed, and therefore a corruption of the system. The Rule of Law is the optimum place for the economy and society to be because it is where the system is effectively in equilibrium with reality. Any government beyond that, or less than that, is always sub optimal, at the expense of society.

There is a real cost to everything, and therefore anything that doesn't create the utility to pay for itself is at the expense of capital. This means there is a real price for everything, although that price is dynamic and will depend on all other prices.

All government does, at least beyond implementing The Rule of Law, is "impose prices", whether that is through fiscal, monetary, or regulatory policy. Any government beyond the Rule of Law is nothing but an imposed price rather than a taken one, and therefore a corruption of the system, which, given how large government has become, is being done on an industrial scale. Given just how big government has now become, not just through fiscal policy but regulatory policy as well, far from the idea of helping people, you have impoverished society and effectively stolen people's lives from them, making them dependents of you. Why? I can only hope it's because of a lack of understanding on your behalf rather than malice.

The Rule of Law, that comes by common consent, is effectively a taken price – the system optimising law to the most productive economy and society etc, which is why it defines the optimum level of government. Legislation, on the other hand, is imposed prices, and therefore a corruption of reality and a suboptimal economy and society.

By imposing prices, the government is discriminating, saying this is where it values something rather than where reality values it. Left wing is, by definition, discriminatory, and as applied to race, is racist. A free market, on the other hand, is colour blind. It is only interested in the true value of things, and indeed the truth. Right wing clears to the truth and wealth creation whereas left wing clears of the truth and wealth to its constructed reality.

Fascism is a term coined by Mussolini to mean "everything in the state, nothing outside the state". It is clearly left wing as was always understood at the time. National Socialism was competing with Communism for the extreme left-wing vote. Yes, people were allowed to own capital, but as the government directed how that capital was to be used, it was left wing. It was only Stalin trying to separate the two ideologies that called it right wing, a tactic that has grown ever since as left-wing parties try to distance themselves from their own failures. The main difference between the two parties was Communism was global whereas Nazis was a national form of socialism, hence Stalin's labelling of it as right wing associated that national aspect to also relate to right wing. You cannot have right wing dictatorships as it is a contradiction in terms.

Because constructivism is about imposing prices rather than taking them, it is a corruption of reality, effectively a lie at the expense of lost capital and declining economies or growth rates etc. This means that the left wing's entire case is based on lies. They cannot win a fair argument because their entire ideology is corrupt. This means they must change definitions of words and lie to basically win a debate. This is why words such as right wing and fascism have been corrupted.

Because left wing or Constructivism is a corruption of the system and will always fail, just as it changes the meaning of words, it must also change history, either by redefining it, or by saying it wasn't socialism that was the problem but the way it was implemented.

It is also why you, and the left wing generally, cannot admit the truth that the riots in the UK are due to the public concern about immigration and declining living standards, as to do so, would see your entire ideological universe collapse.

To be honest, I don't blame you. The real problem lies with the Conservatives who have forgotten what Conservatism is about and have therefore been unable to resist the move leftwards and the corruption of reality. They offer soundbites of low taxes and reduced regulations, but clearly don't understand why it is so important. Until they start embracing the right wing and the freedom and prosperity that the correct allocation of capital brings, then they are just competing with you on the left wing for who will do most damage to society.

Whilst you are taking ever more power trying to hold the edifice of big government together, which I'm sure you will succeed with in the short term, you must remember that as every bit of control you take is a misallocation of capital, not creating the utility to pay for itself, it is also a step closer to its eventual demise.

With the Internet now offering competition of information, such that the system can clear to the truth rather than of it to the government created narrative, hopefully the time of big government, and the corruption that it is, will soon come to an end, before you do too much more damage.

Yours faithfully,

One of the 80% of the public that didn't vote for you…" 

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