By John Wayne on Tuesday, 22 October 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Alex Jones Sees Chaos Coming, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I hate to say I said this first, but I did! Alex Jones has issued a prediction that if Trump wins the 2024 election, the Left will lose their minds, what minds they have left to lose! This was totally predictable following from the 2020 burning down of America, after a drugged-out criminal died in police custody. If they could go to the wall on this, then the Left are capable of anything.

But if so, bring it on, this has been festering since the 1960s and sorely needs a good, legal, antibiotic treatment, that maybe this time, Trump can deliver. But, I am not holding my breath on this one.

"On Thursday's episode of the Alex Jones Show, the popular newscaster laid out a chilling warning to America. He forecasted that once Trump becomes president, "Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and all these Islamic hordes that are allied with the left" will "engage in massive civil unrest."

The possibility is certainly real. And this scenario becomes even more terrifying when you realize that Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut) is working on a bill to cripple Trump's ability to respond to civil unrest. Specifically, Blumenthal is introducing legislation to limit unchecked presidential authority under the Insurrection Act ahead of Trump's forecasted victory.

What the bill means, if passed, is that Trump will be severely handicapped in the face of widespread violence and unrest. Blumenthal's legislation is designed to handcuff the president by requiring approval from Congress before the military can be deployed to deal with domestic threats.

Adding to the possibility of civil unrest, Bill Gates, the man who seems to always financially profit when disaster happens, said in 2022 that America's "political polarization may bring it all to an end."

He predicted that at some point, "We're going to have a hung election and a civil war."

Yes, civil war, or uncivil war, it will no doubt be. This is wanted by the elites as much as all-out war with Russia.

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