By Joseph on Wednesday, 14 July 2021
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Abortions are for Everyone; The Ultimate Inclusivism! By Mrs Vera West

Transgender men can get pregnant and have abortions! Of course. And why not in a world which is totally socially constructed and does not exist as a material reality, but rather is pure sociology. Strange how communist China does not think this way though. Yeah, strange that.

“A magazine that purports to focus on women’s health is now reporting on a women who lives as a man and wants society to accept that “transgender” men get pregnant and have abortions.

The article, written by a female who now goes by Nick Lloyd and told through Kristin Canning, the features director for the magazine, Lloyd shares how she got pregnant and got an abortion and how hard it was for her to experience “gendered” care:

I didn’t feel ashamed about having an abortion. It was an easy decision for me. But as a non-binary transgender person, my abortion experience led to a lot of gender dysphoria. Every clinic had the word women’s in the name, all the pamphlets used gendered language and featured images of gender-conforming people, and clinicians were kind but didn’t understand trans and non-binary experiences. It felt dehumanizing. I had to emotionally disconnect from the experience entirely because of how gendered it was.

Before and after the procedure, I talked a lot to my friends about it, and they helped me articulate my feelings about the gender dysphoria I experienced and held space for me, which helped me come to a place where I could talk about the experience more openly.

I’m open about my abortion because I want the world to see that people like me exist. Trans and non-binary people get pregnant and have abortions—and that doesn’t invalidate their gender. And they’re deserving of care that affirms their gender. I felt like the only trans person on earth who was getting an abortion, and that’s just not true. We’re part of this movement.

Lloyd concluded by saying abortion providers should adopt “gender neutral language” and should work to understand the experiences of women who live as men having abortions. Even the decor could be more “inclusive,” she claims.”

Yes, abortion clinics really do need to lift their game and stop being binary. They need to get with the vibe.

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